<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

3:24 PM.
" Sunday, September 30, 2007

i know why xin's in love with this song.
cos i'm in love with this song too!! ((:

11:44 PM.
" Tuesday, September 25, 2007

i'm officially 19! (:

was supposedly getting ready for bed but i couldnt slp.
was bombarded with calls and messages.
chatted on the phone with joel for ard 2 hrs?
realised that it's been 9 yrs since we knew one another,
and it's the first time our convo sounds so intellectual.
it's been great catching up with him. (:

switched on my phone and was reading bday messages.
cried when i saw the bday msg that daddy sent. (:
"happy birthday. (: have your breakfast with eggs."
he never really says how much he cares.
so when he does such sweet stuff, i always feel very loved.

went back to unity to see the kids and pat & the rest.
i guess it's cos i havent been ard the kids for a while,
they're really very loud! haha.
spent half of my time in the staff room chatting with eunice & yun yi.
pat & peggy werent in sch. yvonne was having supp class.
and eunice is finally pregnant! (:
now the whole alley is filled with mummies & mummy to-be.
i realised that i missed them a lot.
i should go back more often, esp on fri since they always have "party"

was attacked by liyi & sx.
blind folded myself and took a cab with them.
they were blasting music into my ears so that i dun hear their convo
but apparently i still can! (:

then we reached this place.
at first i thought it was farmart.
then sx said she saw her fren at singtel.
i knew it was westmall, somehow.
then they guided me into the shopping mall.
i was certain it's westmall le. i've roamed that place for 4 yrs.
i guess i can pretty much know where the stalls are with my eyes closed. haha.

ppl were looking at us.
act i dun feel anything since i cant see ppl's reaction.
then we finally came to the eating place.
sat down, adjusted to the surroundings for a while,
and was surprised that my VIP was YEONG MUN YAN ADELINE!!
gene doesnt count cos i kinda expected him to be there. haha.

was surprised by the presence of my other VIPs - DADDY & MUMMY!!
we had ice cream cake (aft lots of food & ice cream),
presenting and opening of pressies,
sabotages, unglam shots...

mummy & daddy left for home.
we decided to have another round of celebration
for mid autum festival!
many many rounds of sparkles,
playing with the traditional lanterns,
made 6 wishes each (thou gene didnt really make 6 cos of the candles),
my thank-you speech,
more pics & videos.

home sweet home! (:

i wanna say a big, fat, enormous, huge, gigantic THANK YOU
to EVERYBODY who made this day perfect for me!

those who texted:
an xiu, ally, shan, zhi cai, joel, xin, pl, sx, ade, eenie, shah, hui, roopini, sista, gary, gene, helmi, gina, tim, hema, sidney, yi ying, yong yaw, zi xian, cindy, chun, tania, hong siong, daddy

those who called/tried calling:
vanny, hema, gina, joel, toh jin, yan ping

those who did it personally or otherwise:
estee, stephie, wee, char, shilin, clement, jeremy, jeremy wong, daniel, jacky, jj, ah si, nerri, gwen, liyi

i hope i didnt leave out any names?
anyways, it's the best bday yet!
thank you guys! (:

was at farmart with stephie & wee yst.
the ambience was really very nice.
the food was great too.
i enjoyed their company and they really bought a huge pooh for me!
we were very mad throughout the dinner,
and sorry to the poor waiter whom we kept laughing at.

never mind how my past birthdays went.
this year was AMAZING!
i feel very loved by all you ppl. ((:
and yep, i'll cherish you guys for life.

an ultra big fat THANK YOU to
thanks for taking time to plan eveything,
even though there're hiccups here and there,
it's really alright.
dont be such a perfectionist for once!
ur plan went great and i cant tell you how much i appreciate you
and all those who were being "bossed" ard by her.

i can go on forever but i shall shut up alr.
the pics should be up provided i find my cable,
or if ppl arent lazy to upload theirs and send it to me. (:

before i buzz off,
THANK YOU to those who played a part
or who made an effort to wish me, in one way or another.
this year clashes with mid autum fes
celebrated both eng & lunar bday tgt on the same day.
it'a once in 19 years, and it's truly a great day for me. (:
hope we can meet up and catch up like these more often! (:
and may all our wishes come true!! ((:

7:54 PM.
" Sunday, September 23, 2007

how many of us can relate to this?

12:12 AM.
" Saturday, September 22, 2007

home sweet home! (:

TGIF! (:
act wasnt really looking forward to today,
nothing much to look forward to though it's the weekends.
but but but, the day went great! ((:

pleasant surprise from the gesl ppl!
i was really shocked, though i didnt show it.
i'm really really touched.
thanks to YOU ALL - yan ping, cat, hui, roopini, toh jin, chau choon & matthias!
i dont know what to say but,
thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks & million and one thanks to you guys!! ((:
somehow, you guys make me feel so blessed! (:

and then while walking towards 199,
guess who i met??
haha, was wondering yst that i havent been seeing him & talking much to him
and then i met him today! haha.
i'm glad that i met him, it's really been a while man. (:

and then had dinner at jp with gene.
crapped and went to watch movie.
and he bought me my bday pressie too! (:
yes, you're forgiven if u cant celebrate my bday with me.

the invasion - science fiction.
it was thrilling and it was really a great show.
something that made me wonder throughout my journey home
what if humans were not humans?
what if the ppl closest to you werent the real them anymore?
anyways, nicole kidman was talking abt piaget, kohlberg and all.
and i'm proud that i know who she's talking abt!! ((:

looking forward to tml and sun!
and that means i gotta finish reading my ed psycho tml morn
so that i can enjoy the weekends! (:

i know this is demanding.
but i wish you could at least wish me on my birthday..

11:53 AM.
" Thursday, September 20, 2007

everybody seems to enjoy birthdays.
i WAS looking forward to this year's
but every little hope that this year's will turn out great came crumbling down..

i tried to not think that it's me..
but somehow it all seems to boil down to me..

nobody ever knows how hard i cried as my birth day approaches every year.
i'm not as brave as ppl perceived me as..

i wish i could stay as a child forever.
i wish i didnt know how much responsibilities i have to bear.
i wish i could take the easy way out - drop everything and leave.
but i dont have the ability to do so, or rather, i dont have the courage to..

i pray that the next 5 days would be peaceful - no upheaval, no complications, no nothing..

11:04 PM.
" Wednesday, September 19, 2007

yayness!! ((:
though the day didnt start off well, it ended quite well! ((:
hopefully a fren, whose day didnt start off well too, ended well like mine. (:

never mind the unhappy stuff.
i was a good samaritan today!
i directed 2 indonesians to sentosa, on the train back frm ps.

went back to school for the drama production aft tuition
and i'm glad i went back!
it was really really very nice.
there was this scene which reminded me of SYF.
gosh! i missed those times! ):

and guess what?!
my sweet pea actually missed me!!
aawww! how sweet is that?!
he was the one who made me cried real bad on my last day,
and he was the one who gave me something that he loves so that i'll rmb him!!
thanks estee, for telling me! ((:

though i have been through tons of bad times,
i love the fact that the little things that ppl do or say actually make my day!! (:

counting down: 6 more days!! *high high* ((:

2:31 AM.
" Tuesday, September 18, 2007

don't ask me why i'm up during such unearthly hours, cos sx just did!
haha. that was rather sweet of her but i just had tons of stuff on mind.

the weekend was CRAP! )):
though fri night was great - spent quality time with wee & stephie, counted down to wee's bday (with some stupid stuff that i did in btw which i shant mention), and got real high.
but sat was i dunno, TOTALLY CRAPPY!!
wanted to go for glass gathering but the day didnt start well at all!
sorry ade for not gg for the gathering.
anyways, the brother had to made me cried damn badly in the early morning!!!
totally spoilt my mood for the rest of the day can?!
hello, the last time i checked, i dont deserve to be treated this way can?!
wth. i dont think i owe you my life! aargh!
i wished i had the courage to use a knife and slash my wrist or throat
i'm surprised i'm still sane after everything.
but i'm not sure how long i can stand it anymore.
it's beginning to wear me out.
so anyways, decided to go mia for a while - appearing offline, switched off my phone and everything?
but somehow, some nice souls made my day though it was just a few hours away frm a new day.
thank God for them! ((:

anyways, realised that there're others who are gg through their own rough patches too.

sx & pl are damn stressed over sch work.
guess SMU isnt really that great aft all huh?
and pl act forgot to hand in her work!
darling, PLEASE go and make frens with the other lawyers to-be.
and to sx, dont get too stressed out.
try coping with it (i know you will), if not when u're doing ur other deg, i think u'll be the nxt one gg mia other than eenie.

darling stephie just went through a rough patch with teddy and she's giving themselves the nxt 6 mths to sort things out. weigh ur consequences before deciding on anything ya?
but whatever u decide on, wee & i will be here! ((:

hema had a crappy sat too. ):
if i ever see her in sch this week, i'm gg to grab her and give her a huge bear hug!
she's so brave, i think i'll break down real bad if such a thing happens to me.
but i'm sure things will work out for the two of them! ((:

and then to these 2, a darling and a buddy of mine, who're in the same boat as me.
xin & gene, no matter how unappreciative our family mem can be at times, know that u 2 are being appreciated by others.
all ur efforts didnt go down to waste.
i've seen them, ur other frens knew abt them.
and if it helps, in any way, God saw it.
i came up with an analogy on sat.
we're all like volcanoes.
there'll be some time where we'll wanna erupt, allowing all the stuff to flow out of it.
when they're done with flowing out, we're left with an empty volcano.
then we can start accumulating everything again.
okie, dun mind the not so technical terms for geog, i admit i did badly for geog!
the pt is that, everybody has a saturation pt.
once they reached it, emotions have to be let out.
and gene, this means even if u have to break down in public.
but aft all the emotions have been let out,
we know that all 3 of us will forgive them for being unappreciative.
and then we'll do some other stupid things again,
just to be appreciated by them.
i believe that one fine day, they will appreciate us (though i think mine is hardly possible to happen).

oh wells, off topic a bit.
i was "enlightened" in a way during critical perspectives today, or rather yst.
it was on multicultural education.
the presenting grp played a song titled
"we're all like crayons"
cant rmb the tune and all, but totally agreed to this.
dont ask me why, just felt that my emotions were stirred when i saw the title.
the weird stuff that i do at times. haha.

9:10 PM.
" Thursday, September 13, 2007

to be a child
is to see silver in the sea
and gold in everything.
to cry and feel no pain.
to have no past and see
the future in a day.
to paint bright pictures of dull scenes
and see the sun shining in a puddle.
to ask all the time,
and yet be sure of everything.

1:44 PM.
" Friday, September 7, 2007

below is something that i wanna tell all my beloved friends out there!!
i dont think i needa list you all out right?
you all know who you are! (:
i wanna tell you guys how much i appreciate you all! (:
thanks for everything - sticking by me and standing all my whinings/nutty-ness.
enjoying & sharing all my happiness/sadness. (:
you guys make me who i am today!
i'll always cherish all the times we've had together. (:
you guys will always be in my heart.
and i'll stand by you guys always! *hugs* ((:

I'll Stand By You

Oh why you look so sad
The tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Don’t be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
Cause I’ve seen the dark side too

When the night falls on you
You don't know what to do
Nothing you confess
Could make me love you less

I’ll stand by you
I’ll stand by you
Won’t let nobody hurt you
I’ll stand by you

So if you're mad get mad
Don’t hold it all inside
Come on and talk to me now
Hey, what you got to hide
I get angry too
Well I’m a lot like you

When you're standing at the crossroads
And don't know which path to choose
Let me come along
Cause even if you're wrong

I’ll stand by you
I’ll stand by you
Won’t let nobody hurt you
I’ll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I’ll never desert you
I’ll stand by you

And when, when the night falls on you, baby
You feeling all alone
You won't be on your own

I’ll stand by you
I’ll stand by you
Won’t let nobody hurt you
I’ll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I’ll never desert you
I’ll stand by you

Oh I’ll stand by you
I’ll stand by you

1:04 PM.

i'm back frm sentosa! wee! (:
it was fun but kinda awkward?

had to pose for him but whenever he asked for poses, i dont look natural.
then he'll say it's not nice and all? haha. then when he doesnt ask me to pose, i'm natural.
it's quite the truth right? i'm no pro model, mind you.
how can i be natural when i know the camera is THERE?
and i tend to look away frm the camera whenever he wanna take my front view.

but it was quite an experience aft all! (:
that dumdum was quite irritating throughout the whole trip!
he was super cranky and so he just crapped ALL THE WAY!
i almost wanted to scream at him and ask him to shush.
he was attracting too much attention and everybody in the train was practically staring at him!
gosh! cant imagine he's a teacher, so kid-ish. haha.

to xin: i really felt like i was gg out with a close guy friend.
nothing much. maybe it's cos my thoughts are being occupied by another person? haha. i dont know man! (:

yst went for GESL bbq.
it was ok i guess?
i think ard 3/4 of the ppl came?
but the atmosphere was kinda dead there.

went to westmall with hui first to buy mahjong paper (which we didnt use eventually)
then hui and i just crapped all the way to yan ping's house.
the 2 of us can form a market man. (reminds me of pl, xin, wee, stephie, hema and those whom when put tgt with me can likewise form a market! haha.)
before that the 2 of us waited at the mrt for ppl to turn up
BUT nobody came so we just left for yan ping's house on our own. (:

okies. so when we were there, i had fun i guess?
we just crapped and kept suaning toh jin, who looks like a malay & cant speak mandarin properly! haha.
then aft that they all started arrowing me! ):
sigmund had to tell everyone how i was running aft 199 that fateful day!
then everybody started laughing at me! ):
i got suan-ed real bad, everybody either calling me auntie or unglam!
prabaa is the mean one la! said unglam is my middle name!
fine, i shall accept it since i was really unglam for dont know how many times yst.
and everybody came to a conculsion yst that flor is very loud! haha.
cant help it i guess? i'm just like that. and a bit nutty too. ((:

prabaa was telling us his freaky dream when this black cat appeared.
what was worst was that the cat climbed up a wall/ledge/whatever and stared straight into my eyes! gosh! scared the freak out of me! ):
and to think the day before xin was telling me abt the storyline of dead silence
and honestly, i was freaked out while listening to it alr.
cant imagine if i were to watch it! haha.

okies. conculsion: we ought to have more of such bonding sessions where everybody could turn up and stay to chat! ((:

6:01 PM.
" Wednesday, September 5, 2007

WARNING: lenthy post ahead! ((:

kena tagged by ppl again le but i wanna reply to this particular person! (:

1. The person who tagged you is:

2. Your relationship with her is:
my bestie! (: been helping her mummy watch over her these few yrs!

3. Your 5 impressions of her:
cheerful, nice, great fren, my laughing partner, sweet!

4. The most memorable thing she had done for you:
sending me a v.day card, out of the blue, last year! (:

5. The most memorable words he/she had said to you:
hmm? come to think of it, we dont really convey our care & concern thru words. haha.

6. If she becomes you lover, you will?
listen to all her whinings and dont tell her which way to go when she's driving! haha.

7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on:
make better desserts (esp when it comes to mixing semi- solidified mango pudding and ice cream!) haha.

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will?
i can never picture her as my enemy la!

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
dunno? never gave it thought before.

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is?
bring her out and just spend quality time with her! (:

11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
one great friend to treasure for LIFE! ((:

okies, that's that, updates for now! (:
e-learning week is crap!
i'm practically gg back to sch almost everyday and the past 2 days plus today was hectic and more hectic!

was down at see ming's hostel almost the whole day trying to finish up our presentation. and realised that we were super productive before we fill our stomachs cos aft that, we'll start stoning alr. haha. the rest of the grp except see ming were on msn last night till this morn finalising everything and i'm amazed at how prudence and i can come up with our role-play script thru msn. haha. but then the both of us were super cranky this morn and we honestly made a lot of noise. haha. poor yan ping & see ming. they have to stand all our nonsense and i obviously blamed it on the fact that both of us slept at ard 3 and 3.30am this morn and we had to meet the grp at 9am in sch. but thank God we're done alr, except for the real presentation itself the coming mon. (:

yst was down in sch again for GESL meeting. even thou only 4 of us were present, that meeting was rather draining on my brain la! and i got suan-ed by the 3 of them towards the end of meeting cos i tot we were still gg to continue when everybody else started packing alr. haha. anyways, had a great time with hui aft that - talking and eating and laughing and everything. ((:
thanks darling for everything, esp yst when i was mulling over how to do my ed psycho forum discussion! i wouldn't be able to do anything if werent for you la! thanks thanks! *hugs* (:

act wanted to chiong finish all my work today but my plan got screwed up by com skills! we've to do this set of reading by the next lesson and my reading is like the most out of the 3 readings that we're tasked to read la! anyways, i met annie and mark in sch today. lucky mark, get to stay in hall 16!

okies, half of the week is finally gg to come to an end! (:
tml and fri will be gg out days! (:
GESL outing tml and SENTOSA on fri!! (:
i cant wait for sentosa thou!

counting down - 20 more days!! ((:

7:15 PM.
" Monday, September 3, 2007

okies, here's the reply to suxian’s post since im so honoured that im in her top 10 list ((:
here goes

top 5 birthday presents you wish for:
  • a new phone three! ((:
  • a new watch
  • going out bags
  • new wallet
  • someone nice (:

Answer the following questions:
1. The person who tag you is?

SOO SU XIAN!!! ((:

2. Your relationship with her is:

hmm? she's my good fren - someone whom i'll wanna protect for life! (i'm not les thou. haha)

3. Your 5 impressions of her:

cute, sweet, great friend, pretty and nice

4. The most memorable thing she had done for you?

hmm? there are 2 leh. she bought me a vintage watch (something i love) and a handphone accessory out of the blue! ((:

5. The most memorable words she had said to you?

..we can begin by trying, cos i miss you florence siew.. (i guess it's something only the 2 of us know what the content is abt. haha)

6. if she becomes your lover, you will?

why not? i'll protect her for life! haha

7. if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be?

nothing much? except to spend more time with me!

8. if he/she becomes your enemy, you will?

she's too nice to become anybody's enemy la!

9. if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?

MAJOR misunderstanding, but it'll be more on my side. haha.

10. the most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is?

tell her how much i appreciate her as a good friend! ((:

11. your overall impression of him/her is?

wonderful friend to have.

12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?

silly? or more of crazy & emo i guess?

13. the character you love of yourself is?

thinking that everybody out there is nice.

14. the most ideal person you want to be is?

smarter? happier? slimer? less demanding? someone who's worthy to be loved.

15. for people that care and like you, say something to them.

thanks for sticking by me during my down times. i know i'm super whiny at times and i know at times i really drive u guys crazy but still, i'm who i am cos of you guys! I LOVE YOU ALL! *hugs*

16. pass this quiz to 10 person that you wish to know how they feel about you.


2.su xian

3.pei ling

4.jia xin






10.chun ren

who is no.6 having relationship with?

haha! he's super scandalous la! he's practically having r/s with all his girl friends to others. ((:

Is no.9 a male or female?


If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?

hmm, dont think so! he is too short for her! haha, no offense bro! (:

How bout no.8 and 5?

goodness! definitely not a good idea. haha

What is no.2 studying about?

hmm? she's smart. studying business and social sciences (nt sure what she can study for this yet)

When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?

gosh! so long! last wed.

What kind of music band does no.8 like?

hmm? that's a tough one. anything nice i guess? haha.

Does no.1 has any siblings ?

1 elder bro and 1 elder sis

Will you woo no.3 ?

why not? she's got the brains and the figure! haha.

How about no.7 ?

yep! she's got the brains and she's really nice too!! (:

Is no.4 single ?

nope, she's married!! haha (:

What is the surname of no.5?


What is the nickname of no.10?


What is the hobby of no.4?


Do no.5 and 9 get along well?

hmm? they dont know one another but i think they would if they knew each other cos both of them like to cook! ((:

Where is no.2 studying at?


Talk something casually about no.1?

she’s there when i need someone to talk to recently! (:

Have you try developing feelings for no.8?

haha! no! i dont wanna get killed by teddy!

Where does no.9 live at?

cck cresent.

Are no.5 and 1 best friends?

no leh. they dont really know each other. haha.

Does no.7 likes no.2?

yep! (:

How do you get to know no.2?

jc classmates, same clique! ((:

Does no.1 have any pets?


Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?

haha! i think so? everybody is sexy in their own way right? (:

9:51 PM.
" Saturday, September 1, 2007

i love today! ((:
what a great day to start the month with!

though i didnt really study for the day, i've had a fruitful day!
i was out with mummy for the whole day! ((:
we went out super early today so as to beat the crowds at COMEX.
but when we finally reached there, ppl were alr filling the place rapidly.
sometimes i wonder where do these ppl come frm?
like yst, when i was at COMEX with sx & wei wei, there were tons of ppl there as well.

anyways, i knew what i wanted when i was there but mummy wanted to walk around and get all the brochures and free gifts, as usual.
here comes the dilemma whenever i'm out with her.
sometimes, i really feel like screaming at her but at other times she's really such a dear.
i got kinda pissed with her today when we were buying stuff.
she really got onto my nerves for a moment there but i calmed myself down in time. or maybe it's cos i'm alr used to her being like that so i'm kinda immuned to it alr. haha.
in any case, she was really a good company still. ((:

after buying stuff, we decided to not go home and roam till dinner time. (:
so we went over to marina square and walk.
then mummy suggested watching movie, so we happily went to GV and bought tixs for 881 - a movie that i knew she wanted to watch a lot, so i was nice enough to pei her watch that. (:
after buying the tixs, we went to roam at john little, where i bumped into my cousin and cousin in-law. i was then trying to look for mummy but she was no where to be found la! so i just said hi to them as they seemed to be rushing off somewhere.

the movie was okay, touching and quite worth it.
maybe it's cos it's royston tan's movie and all?
anyways, while watching the movie, there was this very inconsiderate person talking on the phone very loudly beside me!
she was practically trying to match up with the volume in the cinema la!
but i guess cos she isnt a singaporean, she dont really know the rules, but still, i find it quite irritating and i almost wanted to ask her to keep quiet.

after the movie, we went shopping again then went for dinner at old hong kong.
the food isnt that bad but the waiting time was quite long, depending on what u ordered.
their "yuan yang" there is really very nice!
while eating, this little girl caught my attention.
she is really so adorable and all la.

oh wells, so after dinner, we took a stroll to esplanade while waiting for daddy to fetch us home. (:
i cant really explain why i love today so much but i just like the feeling of spending quality time with my loved ones i guess? ((:

after today, tml will be a great day, and then the week ahead would be quite duanting - assignments, projects, muggings and everything.. aargh! suddenly feel as though i dont have enough time to do all these!

eh, i think that's about all for now?
gotta type out the agenda and mail to the com, aargh! something which i have no idea what the format should be!
and i'm seriously hoping that i dont have to travel all the way to the east on mon to finish our proj! *crosses fingers*

yep, looking forward to tml and next wed & thurs?
while slping yst, i think i was planning for wee's bday!
so wee wan qi vanessa, i'm booking you on ur bday ya? ((:

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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