<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

10:32 PM.
" Wednesday, October 31, 2007

for the third time, i'm done with editing.
man! the whole module is driving me nuts!!
hopefully ed psych II will be a whole lot more better.
seriously, LJX, i owe you man!
but then, if it still doesnt do for the third time,
i'm really giving up!
you dont know how torturing this is to me man!
it's worst than the A's, honest! aaarrrggghhh!

anyways, i wasnt suppose to be blogging
but i was supposed to read thru my essay thoroughly first.
but i guess it's a tendency that human beings have that we tend to think that whatever we write is correct! haha. so i need a break first, before plunging into my sea of words, yet again! ):

so.. i was blog hopping and i came across this, hmmm,
i'm not sure what you call it, but i shall call it a title? haha.
so much for an expanded vocab that we ought to have now!
anyways, this is what that thingy says:
somewhere within the imperfect me lies a person totally different from what the eye can see..
nice nice? i like! (:
be it the emo part or not! (:

another thing, before i forgot,
this is for WEE WAN QI VANESSA! (:
hello darling you! wah! you really very smart as to come up with the poll thingy can?
*clap clap* ((:
anyways, other than that, i wanna say: I MISS YOU!
and hor, thou we havent been catching up lately or what not,
just wanna say that i'm ALWAYS here for you! (:
and whatever things you're upset over,
i do hope it's over for you le!
drop me a msg when you wanna whine k?
or to some other ppl, but let ppl know how you're doing k?
i promised ur mummy i'll take good care of you,
and i'll keep that promise, no matter what!
take care you! see you soon k?
end of nov!!! *HUGS* ((:

9:35 PM.
" Tuesday, October 30, 2007

one more essay to finalise and i can finally focus on my exams.
i cant wait for it to be over, and i'll be going away! (:

i was feeling "uncontrolled" the past week!
i'm not exactly sure if that's the right word to use
but i'm glad it's over alr.
as least i know i'm back to maintaining the distance and everything.
gosh! i dont know how long this will last, i hope it'll be over soon too!

tml's is the 100th day.
it's amazing how life still goes on without her.
but i'm rather certain mummy's still affected.
maybe it's cos i'm not really that close to her,
cos every time we go over to "visit" my grandpa,
tears WILL well up, but it's just different when it comes to her.

sigh. MY MAIL IS WOLS!!!!! ))):
guess i'll have to wait till tml! ):
for now, i'm gone!

8:38 PM.
" Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Date: 30th Nov 2007

Day: Friday

Venue: PJ, i suppose?

Cost: $5 per head

i have no idea why i'm helping them to advertise
but yep, maybe we should all go for it?
as a form of class gathering or what not? haha. (:

life's *pukes*
dont want to talk about it now though.
was act gg to focus on my 2500 word essay alr
but i wanna blog this post for


hello you.
all i wanna say is that dont let yourself feel tired.
yes, we all have tons of stuff to do,
tons of stupid stuff to bear with
but we'll make it through one day!
NS will come to an end, then those ppl who treated you like crap now will be forgotten for good.
things, once they're done, wont bother you anymore.
i was almost feeling the same way as you felt all these while until yst.
mummy told me this:
we work so as to feed ourselves,
if we dont have to eat, we wont have to work..
...i'm very tired alr.
upon hearing that, i then realised that only ppl her age are qualified to say that they're tired, not ppl our age!
so yep!
jia you bro! hang in there!
i know you'll make it through one day! (:

to: Lim Jia Xin
hello you! (:
you deserve a pat on your shoulder! (:
for volunteering to cut your hair short,
for not backing out the very last min,
for maintaining a model's smile until you had your hair done with that tight heels you were wearing, while standing,
for having COURAGE!
yay! i cant wait to see you tml! (:

10:19 PM.
" Sunday, October 21, 2007

i'm super emo now!
i dont know why but i'm tearing like mad!

i dont know how to emphasise this,
but i'm really missing school life - as in when u're with a class & everything?
it's quite bad now. really. as in i made new friends, no doubt.
but i dont think we're close to such an extent that we can talk about everything.
i tried though, but somehow, i always hold back.

i dont like this feeling.
it's like you're all alone to fend for yourself?
but you know, at the same time, your old friends are still there for you?
i dont know how to say it,
i just miss all of you!
i miss sec sch days - trainings for cheer comp, copying a.maths & bio, chalets, bbqs, training for footdrill comp, basic & advance nco course, lunch after cca..
i miss jc life - mugging away in canteen, heart-to-heart talks at the grand stand, gossip sessions, toilet visits, library visits, syf trainings..

i guess i should stop being anti-social
and get out of my own comfort zone..
but at the same time, i want to run away from everything.

i just wasted my time away instead of doing my work. argh.
i'm not in the mood to write about self-esteem now - cant find mine anywhere.
the pain in the head is biting me.
i'll pull through, right?

6:23 AM.
" Saturday, October 20, 2007

good morning!
i'm amazed i'm still awake since 11pm last night?

was rushing my discussion like maaaadddd
and i'm finally done with it, an hour & a half ago i think?
then was finishing up some gesl stuff, just done sending them off to the people.
i'm very zombie-fied now!

anyways, had dinner with ah sa just now. (:
but what really made me happy was i sat on a swing after sooooo long! (:
thank you ah sa, again!
all the best for your interview later, at 7am!
hope you wont be late! haha.

yay! xin's gg for her trial run today!
i hope he wants to perm your hair!
i cant wait to see the new you!
you know what? i'm happy for you! can i put all my hopes on you now? haha.
eh, i need your help! can help me vet my discussion not?? haha.

anyways, this thought's been tugging at me for a while.
i dont like to say this but i really cant stand it anymore.
i really hope you know i'm talking about you,
not trying to say i'm very nice or what,
but a friendship is a mutual thing.
if you only sit back, wait & receive, you dont deserve to be updated!
and you dont deserve to say you miss out a lot when you dont even bother to make the effort to ask how people are doing!
a sms doesnt cost you much, and it doesnt requires much of ur effort.
it's just how i feel about the whole thing, i'm not sure how the rest feels,
if you happen to see this & you're very pissed and all,
by all means.

6:04 PM.
" Thursday, October 18, 2007

i think i should stop whining for a moment and give thanks instead.

thank you Lord for placing such sweet friends in my life.

thank you XIN for missing me and for reminding me that stressing myself will lead to sloppy work done. you are missed by me too! we'll hang out soon ya? after i'm done with my assign. ((:

thank you LSM for the cookies&cream ice cream just now. it was super sweet of you to come all the way here when you're super packed today. you never fail to make me smile. ((:

sometimes when we feel that our world is crashing down,
all we have to do is to stretch out our hands,
lift up all our insecurities, fears, anxieties, worries to Him.
Lord, i want to hold You till the fear in me subsides..

1:21 AM.

okay, i'm officially worn out!

PBL is driving me nuts.
i just stuck my face in front of the comp for almost 4 hrs doing some KWL chart, some confusing mind map - the structure confuses me, and some hypothesis thingy that i have to come up with.
and i havent start on my 2500 word essay. ):

grammar assign is manageable - once i find a text that has everything that i need to analyse in that text.
it's either i dont have modals or passive voice, or not enough adverbials, or no collective nouns!

linguistics assign is __________
i dont know how to describe it.
it's hanging there, not going anywhere
and to think our dateline is in like what?
11 days?! (including sat & sun)

comm skills is *pukes*
i have NOT a single idea how to critique on a transcript!
and everybody knows what is going on
and i'm having a TEST on it next wed! ):

GESL is alright i guess?
other than we meeting EVERY week,
the rest is going fine.
just need to polish up some minor stuff then we should be able to stand down for exams.

exams are round the corner!
less than a month to be exact!

Lord, give me the strength to pull through.

thank you LSM!! (((:
for helping me with my PBL and comm skills.
and at the same time train my multi-tasking abilities.
thank you sooooo much! (:

something else that made my day!
thank you for being so nice! (:
even though it might not be a big deal to you,
it's a HUGE deal to me!
thank you! (:

5:45 PM.
" Monday, October 15, 2007

it's been a while since i last walked in the rain.
it's a pity that it's more of a drizzle just now.

dont start worrying for me!
i'm not feeling very down or what,
i just like walking in the rain and feeling the raindrops hit against my face.
it's just one of the weird things that flor likes. haha.

i was thinking about what a fren said to me this morn,
while walking in the rain just now.
he said i'm those who embraces freedom,
and i give him the impression that i'm not someone who wants to settle down.
i was... what? huh? are you serious?
it's the first time i hear ppl say that about me.
i seriously wonder...

when you said you'll help me sort things out
if i cant sort it out on my own,
i'm truely touched.
now i seriously wonder if i was the one who
purposely drew the line or what...

5:57 PM.
" Saturday, October 13, 2007


i made mummy very worried last night.
i'm sorry that you didnt slp well last night,
while i slept like a pig! *slaps herself*
it'll never happen ever again, i promise.
my word = my bond.

thank you LSM. (:
for "shou liu-ing" me yst night/this morn.
sorry that u had to pon training this morn,
and for freaking both of us out at that place! ):
p.s: once again, you proved ur coach wrong.(:
you did a good job last night during the match!
and yes, again, YOU'RE BEING APPRECIATED!! ((:

this area is getting less and less safe.
the world ard is getting less safe too.
i'm very afraid. what if one day, i'm on the headlines - dead?
paranoia is becoming my middle name very soon.
HELP - anyone out there, please!

8:37 PM.
" Wednesday, October 10, 2007

i like something that my friend just told me:

...we don't have to blindly follow where a potential high earning job leads... i would choose passion anytime.

though we havent been in contact for a while,
he seems to be the rare few who understands why i plunge straight into teaching.
thank you to the few, and i really mean the very few, who understands! ((:

6:49 PM.

back from my new tution - 2 hrs nearly took my life away.
but it's alright, i'll do my best to help her.
first up, her EOY in another 2 more weeks.

that means i have 2 more weeks to finish my proj & 3 more to finish 2 assign!!
so many things, but so little time!
i need some motivation!!

anyways, i'm happy for LIM JIA XIN!!
it's less than a week and you got called up alr!
hopefully, nobody else is auditioning then u'll definitely clinch the deal! ((:

how much courage does one need to apologise genuinely for the things that they have done wrong?
a day, a week, a month, or a yr?
actually, i'm over it for almost a year.
i dont see a point in bringing it up again.
but i thank you for apologising - even if it took you so long, at least you bother to do so.

11:11 PM.
" Saturday, October 6, 2007

okies! finally! some long over due pics frm cammy! (:

my bday cum mid autum fes celebration with PRF, ade & gene!
25th september 2007

gene being bullied by us, carrying all our lanterns for a pose!

my fav pic of the night

flor'sugly photographic skills

angel in a bottle

random pics

casual shots of ade, xin, liyi & gene (left to right)

blindfolded flor with music blasting into her ears!

peiling, flor, suxian

choco fondue!

daddy & mummy! ((:

bday celebration with stephie & wee, farmart!
24th september 2007

stephie & wee! ((:

wee with her signature smile

stephie with her chicken salad

pooh bear (:

and finally, wee's bday celebration at sembawang park!
14th september 2007
wee & me trying to see whose face is redder
wee's bday cake!
stephie, the carrot girl, trying to mix the cake with her carrot!

counting down to wee's bday at her place!

10:41 PM.

i finally found my cable and uploaded my cam pics alr.
so to those whom i've owe pics & videos, u guys will
receive them soon! (:

went shopping with pl!
miss that girl a huge lot. (:
we were supposedly shopping for specific things (court shoes for her, wallet for me)
but we ended up buying random stuff. haha.
anyways, i was really v worn out while we were shopping.
guess me sleeping at 4am explains why.

so then we decided to take a break!
we were just talking abt random stuff when she suddenly did this to her drink!
(refer to pics)
looking for ice in her drink, scooping it up & into her mouth,
biting it into pieces, fitting the "pieces" of ice into her straw, tried aiming, & tried shooting at me.
haha. i said tried cos she missed me!
and she ended up being shot by me, real badly! (:
dont know what's gotten into us, but i really missed those times we used to shoot ice at one another in pj's canteen while drinking ribena!

then we went over to suntec, roam ard & decided to step into adidas,
even though both of us arent that sporty already ever since uni started.
we came across this dri-fit tennis dress, it was really very nice!
but it was way off budget - $284.30
so we decided to try it &take pics of us in it! haha.
there you go..

how was it? i really think she looks nice in the white one! (:

i really had fun just hanging out with her. (: whenever we're out, we never fail to laugh our hearts out at every single thing we said or we came across. i like hanging out with her! it's like having therapy (other than spending our money impulsively). i really hope we could do this more often, pleasee! (:

2:40 AM.

home! (:
i ended my day well, thank you! ((:

van and i were supposed to have lunch
but gesl ended 10 mins to the start of her lesson,
so we met for dinner instead.

was supposed to be gg holland v for dinner aft dropping her roomie off,
but then we decided to head down to chomp chomp.
then her fren called and she realised that she forgot something.
so we went back to her hall to get the rice cooker for her fren,
doodle a little here & there, then headed down to chomp chomp.

by the time we really settled down, ordered food & started eating,
it's ard 1030 or so? it was still okie for me, but she was famished!
poor girl. haha. aft that, we went to macs for mcflurry - yep, i was the only one who was eating thou. haha.
we were just talking and all, then we decided to go k.
but then a little too ex, we decided to watch movie instead.
so we headed for town.

walked to cine & check the movie timings but there werent any nice shows
so we decided to just walk ard orchard.
anyways, side track a bit.
that dumdum clement saw me at cine but didnt come over and say hi!
but he said we were gg opp directions so yep, u're forgiven! haha.

anyways, orchard road was dead.
and the both of us were just crapping all the way.
sang stupid songs (mostly her singing oldies).
sweating like dont know what cos the air was still.
crossed the road and then we saw another side of orchard road.
tons of, i dont know how to describe, dirty trade gg on.
sigh. we kind of regretted crossing the road.
but it was the first time i sprinted & dance ard on an empty pavement in orchard road. ((:

so then we walked back to her car and she sent me home.
that poor girl is super sleepy alr then.
she's like wee man - cannot drive aft midnight. haha.
but it was alr 1 plus in the morn so i guess it's okie to feel sleepy.
plus she is having training in the morn at 9am so yep, really poor thing lor.

but you really made my day!
thank you for trying every bit to make me happy!
i thank Him for bringing you into my life!
thank you so much! ((:

and to my darling boy!
though i didnt get to say happy birthday to you,
and i'm a bit upset that i didnt see you but you saw me just now,
i still hope u enjoyed urself today!
and it's really been a while since we last chatted.
hope you've been fine all these while.
happy seventeen! (:

12:41 AM.
" Thursday, October 4, 2007

yayness!! i've been looking for this song for a looong time! i love this song to bits!! highly recommeded by flor!! ((:

8:08 PM.
" Wednesday, October 3, 2007

today was totally crap! )):

was stuck outside sch for nearly 40 mins?
was late for comm skills.
had to do my "little talk" in front of the whole class, which i screwed up.
and screwed up our grp's presentation too.

then was late again for linguistics tutorial.
thank God i wasnt the last one and i didnt made a "grand" entrance.
then i couldnt do the transcription for phonetics.

then had linguistics test earlier on.
yep, u got it. i screwed it up again.
my answers are all diff frm the rest of them can?
so much for understanding what i've been studying huh?
and so much for all the luck ppl gave.
guess i am just down on luck all the while so it didnt help. ha.

then went to withdraw money just now at cck central.
thank God for daddy & mummy.
not i'll be robbed alr!
that person was THIS CLOSE to robbing me can?
i could sense what he was trying to do so i hurried to daddy's car.

how crappy can a day go man?
seems like all the unfortunate things can be found on flor
hopefully nothing else bad will happen.
*crosses fingers*

but something made my day! ((:
lunch with vanessa! ((:
anyways, she's an ex pioneer too! haha.
the world is so small.
and ppl, she knows ms lee can?
she taught them GP too. haha.
and she thinks ms lee puts in alot of effort to teach GP.
she didnt know ms lee wasnt trained in GP till i told her today.
but yep, she's really nice.
i thank God for her - for being part of my life! ((:

2:52 AM.

crap! i cant slp, again!
stupid thoughts keep coming at me!
leave me alone, please!
i really dont wanna think about them right now.
quoting frm sx: "stop zapping my energy"
i really am not in the mood to worry or think about you all now.

can i ask something?
how much effort would you all put into a friendship?
are u the one who keeps putting in the effort?
or are u the one who sit backs, relax and receive everything?

is it becos i deem such stuff as important that i think it goes two ways?
no point being the one who always put in the effort and not getting anything in return right?
or is it normal for things to turn out this way?

if you ever come across this,
yes, i think you arent putting in the effort.
and it hurts to suddenly feel as if u're drifting.
maybe it's just me being oversensitive
but i honestly dont think so.
so if u really are, i'm okie with it, really.
but please STAY AWAY from me as far as possible then.

oh wells.
something less heartening.
there's this girl that i met during critical perspectives on mon.
she's really really very nice!! ((:
that lesson was the last lesson but it was the first time we talked!
goodness, but we clicked instantly can?! haha.
she's really funny and everything.
reminds me of evon goh kah ling.
and i think i have an affinity with ppl called "Vanessa" (:
so yep, though i was rather pissed yst,
she made my day! (:

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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