<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

4:37 PM.
" Friday, November 30, 2007

i wanna make an exclamation:

i had fun today during gesl dry run & i love my gesl grp mem! ((:

even though not many of them will see this
but i still wanna say that i had fun spending time with them.
i hope that the diff friendships that are made through this 'module'
will continue for as long as possible! (:
i found ppl that i can confide in, talk to, whine to & everything
even though they ALWAYS bully me.
like just now, they actually used ME to test whether a ball is soft/hard! ):
but it's okay! i still love you all! ((:
i guess i'm really going to miss you all when gesl is over! ):
P.S: can we like hang out often often after gesl ends??

alrights, movie marathon in 5 hours!
i cant wait to see all my sweeties! (:
i so think i'm gg to all aslp in the LT. heh.

10:42 PM.
" Tuesday, November 27, 2007

movie review: THE KINGDOM
alrights, i'm hardly a good movie critic cause quoting xin & pl: "flor isn't a very good story teller"
but i really wanna credit this movie cause it's a really good movie! (:
it's abt some terrorist attacks & how this grp of FBI mem went to the crime scene & investigate it, no matter what it takes. the reason for them doing the investigations? cause one of their closest friend, also an FBI mem, was killed in one of the terrorist attacks.
i thought it was a very good movie - as in how the plot unfolds & all, the only sad part is that it wasnt really a happy ending. (that's the thing with reality huh, unlike fairy tales)

what more can i say about this movie?
it's worth 4 stars from flor! (:

assuming you're a guy.
how nice will you treat your female friend?
will you be gentlemanly enough to pay for her movie tickets first then discreetly hint her to pay her share?
or will you remind her that she hasnt pay her share in front of a 3rd party & then in the end said you're just kidding & it's alright not to pay when she shove the money at you?
also, will you be gentlemanly enough to at least ask if she needs you to walk her home or what not since it's late?
or will you just happily say bye to her when you reached your stop & add that you're really tired hoping she'll get your underlying meaning?

oh wells, that was a lesson learnt &
thanks to PRABA for listening to all my whinings while i wait for daddy to come.
heh, i realised i whine A LOT to him! haa.
if ever you need somebody to whine to, i'm all ears! (:

6:00 AM.

i couldnt fall asleep after waking up at 4 plus! ):
so much for whining that i'm tired & stoning & sprouting nonsense to stephie & wee yst at ard 9 plus 10. heh.

i had a wonderful evening with the two of them! (:
it was stephie's early bday celebration!
as usual, tons of last min stuff here & there.
wee & i were rushing from here to there like mad ppl.
but.. all's well! (:
went crystal jade (suntec) for dinner - where stephie was being mean & 'feeding' both of us with a lot of rubbish. ):
what can i say? she was WAY high yst! haha.
went to the fountain of wealth, hoping to SEE our dedication to her on the laser thingy (if that's what you called it) but the song came out before the msg was READ OUT.
tried to take pics of 3 of us + the background
but failed! haha. (pics will be up when i'm not that lazy. heh)
went to starbucks & slack.
she had her cake while i had oreo cheesecake! yayness! (:
and thanks to that, i'm still feeling rather bloated now! ):
i SO need to start my exercise regime.
yep, it was time well spent with the both of them!
22nd dec! i cant wait! (((:

this is rather random.
but it stirred up some emotions in me.
the 5 dragonboaters who drown in Cambodia?
one of them is a pe teacher frm NJC.
hmm, though i dont know him, but somehow i felt sad.
i dont know how to explain this feeling.
but the world seems very 'scary' now.
and to all those whom i know, esp those who play sports (not for leisure),
please take whatever necessary precautions there are!

life is really vulnerable huh?
that is why every single day, we're all learning how to cherish the closest ppl around us.
i'm still learning as well.
and to those who knows me, i dont care whether we're close or not or how long we havent talk or what not, being able to get acquainted with you is a blessing and i thank God for putting you in different phases of my life! (:

oh wells, that aside,
i'm going to try & get some sleep before the afternoon hits.
hmm? i do hope we're really not heading to the airport!
i've no idea what we're going to do there.
next time when we're going out, please remind me to shut up! ):

9:05 PM.
" Wednesday, November 21, 2007

it's finally over!! (:

since it's over, there's nothing much to talk abt it.
i am just hoping everything will go well
and i wont faint when i see my results a month later!

oh wells, today marks the start of 6 weeks of hols.
i think i'm a super no-lifer!
i really dont know what to do for the next 6 weeks -
okay maybe there are stuff to do but, hmm, i dont know how to put it. heh.
oh oh, this is an after thought for this entry!
during these 6 weeks, if possible,
i want to re-live the times where i feel so carefree - the times when i dance.
i am, yes i am after so long, falling in love with dancing again! (:

i was thinking a lot while walking home just now
as usual, the kind of thoughts that make me question a lot,
make me get super emo (it's kind of worse now that i just watched secret - yes, i know i'm WOLS - even though i didnt cried very hard like how others described, but it's still a sad movie)
make me feel as though i'm in the midst of a mid-life crisis.

i feel very drained, i need a getaway terribly!
get away to somewhere peaceful,
to find what exactly is my purpose in life.

alrights, that aside, now that exams are over,
it's time for MEET-UPS!! ((:
1. wee, stephie & maybe emily (if she isnt flying) on mon to celebrate ''the baby's" bday!
2. PRF
3. the kids
4. vann! (i havent met her since, gosh, A levels' prelims!)
5. tania
6. the sec sch ppl
7. the jc ppl
8. hui, cat and yan ping for shopping! (okie, yan ping doesnt count, cos i see her almost everyday! heh, but i still wanna meet her!)
9. the drama mamas! (:
10. liu shu min! (:
okay, and almost every other ppl! gosh, we ALL need to make some time for one another! (:

yep, all the best to those who're still in the midst of their examinations!
hang in there! it'll be over soon! (:
this especially goes out to SOO SU XIAN & QUEK PEILING!! (the two SMU-ies who havent started their exams yet, heh, i'm not digging at you two! ((:)

all the best for the results tml! esp to meanie,
hopefully you'll do well and make me proud, so that i can prove to myself

when all you can do is watch a person's back,
all you wish is that person will just turn behind and take a look at you,
and acknowledge you.
because i understand how it feels just to wait for him to turn his back & notice me,
i dont want you to be doing the same thing.
why not go and find someone whom you can see face to face?
it's not hard, you just need to let go of me.

7:08 PM.
" Thursday, November 8, 2007

i need a break from the books!
yes, i've been rather disciplined the past few days,
mugging my ass off for linguistics & not yet touch grammar!

monday till today saw lots of impromptu actions?

was washing up and i suddenly felt like getting a hair cut.
so yep, i went to the salon and cut my hair! (:
it's short and rather thick (the person REFUSE to 'xiao bao' for me) now.

went back to sch to hand in all the due assignments.
my lovely daddy offered me a ride to and fro ICA,
and even made lunch for me before he left for work.
decided to watch 'goong s' (the episode i missed) on youtube.
wah! i'm in love with that show! (:
yes gene, i know i'm slow, but at least i know of its existence can?
help xin to close an assignment.
and i chatted with stephie on the phone for a while too! (:

last day of school! ((:
i think i screwed up my OP for comm skills, but oh wells!
went can A with some of the girls and tried some deepavali goodies (thanks to roopini's aunt). i'm especially in love with the melted chocolate one! ((:
then went back to canteen to look for yan ping & tj.
wah! i felt like a superultramega watt bulb when i was there! haha.
but i like the chatting part when they involved me. haha.
lunch with 'emo elmo' (sa's new name!)
then she gave us all a ride back home!
went lot 1 to meet xin and gene for dinner.
i found a new love at pastamania - aglio olio! (:
and it's nice with cream of tomato! ((:
aft that, macs - to catch up and all.
listen to gene's ghostly experience at his 'hell camp'.
walk, walk, walk, walk and walk.
before daddy came, i met jun hao! (:

slept like a pig till late morning!
did a little bit of studying before heading to lot 1 to meet emo elmo.
had lunch at ajisen (she ate, i didnt cos i'm boycotting that particular outlet).
went to try out mcflurry's new flavour - mudpie! i like! (:
and then, THE BEE MOVIE! (:
heh, it's nice - hilarious, meaningful, and has a moral to it (to me lar).
then home sweet home!

thank you! JOEL TAN! (:
i'm glad we kept this friendship till now since 11!
thanks for making sure i'm fine aft sunday.
i know you have your own problems as well,
but yep, i'll be there if you need me!
thanks buddy! (:

anyways, emo elmo just intro this song to me!
wah! i really like it! (:
alrights! i guess it's time to hit the books again alr!
there's something wrong with my taggy again! aarrgh!

9:06 PM.
" Friday, November 2, 2007

i was watching 'life story'
and emotions were welling up.

why are some ppl able to live a luxurious life
but some other ppl cant even make ends meet?

why do we pre-judge a person based on their past?
why cant we view them as who they are now?

is a person's socio-economic background so impt?
why are we so superficial?
why cant we overlook all those and look at a person's heart?

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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