<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

2:00 PM.
" Monday, December 31, 2007

when everything is coming to an end, we start to look at the beginning.
or rather, in the case, the process.

2007 was filled with mountains and valleys.
the depth of those valleys? like that of the black hole.
however, when asked as to which year i would like to relive, my answer is 2007.

2007 is the year that i've truly learnt how to be independent (in all aspects of life). been through, in my perception, the extremes of life - happiness vs sadness, rational & right vs irrational & incorrect decisions, etc.
but after everything, i do realise that all the setbacks this year had made me a much stronger person than i was in 2006.
and i really look forward to 2008 where i know circumstances will help me grow much more. (:

relief teaching in unity was the happiest thing that can happen this year. seeing the innocent faces of the kids really put my mind off the negative things. many a time i will just stare at them during assembly and smile - smiling at how they look at life, wishing that i could somehow still have their perception of life. having a bunch of caring colleagues was a plus point too. i really missed fridays-after-school-party with pat, eunice, yunyee, yvonne, dawn&xiuling. it's known that the most noisy 'alley' is our alley. (: i'm also very grateful to dawnsoh, shirley, vp&p for their guidance. especially to dawnsoh&shirley. i'll nv forget how both of them defended me against the vp&p even though i'm just a relief & the school can always replace me with another relief. thank you! (: this experience in unity really helped me alot in school now, and i'm really thankful for all the people that i've met there. ((:

orientation week in school was actually dreaded by me. but it turned out fine, or rather better than expected. even though i skipped FOC but i'm still thankful for the people that i've known during this sem. we worked together for presentations, assignments, planning our cip. we mugged together, where most of the time we sidetracked. heh. we wasted our long breaks away together in the lib's cafe. we laughed hard together or at one another. we encouraged one another. we dropped short & sweet msg to one another, letting them know we'll always be there for one another. and most of time, they listened to me complain & whine to them. even though it's only a short period of time, they have been looking out for me, taking in one another's shortcomings, and i dont know what else to say but a big fat THANK YOU! esp to those that i've worked with for presentations, assignment & CIP: priya, seeming, debbie & yanping (AED105), chauchoon, sidney & yanping (AAE101), hui, shah, binchuan & eleanor (AED102), melissa & ying hui (ALK101) & hui, yanping, cat, roopini, fizah, reena, raudah, liyana, sabby, sakinah, sherene, chihui, linna, hana, tohjin, chauchoon, sidney, praba, matt, ramesh, sigmund & last but not least our gesl faci: charles! (: (GESL)

the year ended with a blast! successful cip execution (C.H.O.C. MILK, gogogo!), and meet-ups with everybody. ((: even though another year has ended, meet-ups taught me something - true friendships will last even though time may pass. and the coming year will only make me put in more effort to keep our friendships going. (:

before the year comes to an end, i want to thank these people for what they've done for me in 2007.

a big, fat, huge THANK


to xin, peiling, suxian, gene, ade, hema, sidney, praba, tohjin, chau choon, hui, yanping, seeming, vanessa, wee, stephie, chunren, hongseng, enhua, joel, gina. thanks for being there when i'm really down & for encouraging me. thanks for making this year a memorable year even with all the unhappy memories, but hey, you people gave me much more happy memories to cover & hide those unhappy memories! (:

special thanks to limjiaxin: thank you for being there without fail when the world seem to be crashing on me - events that happened to make me wonder the existence of me in the world. even though it's always in the middle of the night, thanks for always being the first one there to comfort me, and reminding me that i'm stronger than i think i am. those times would have been unbearable without you there. i'll do my utmost best to be there for you as well, even when school starts for us, which means lesser time for us to talk on the phone and everything. thankyou SO much. (:

happy new year's eve to all! ((:

3:32 PM.
" Friday, December 28, 2007

i know, somehow, i've hurt you quite badly.
on the other hand, i'm not sure if whatever i have for him will last. but until it fades off, he's quite impt.
thanks for being so nice to me.

4:36 PM.
" Thursday, December 27, 2007

merry MERRY CHRISTMAS '07!! ((:

okies, even though it's the 27th but christmas lasts 12 days right? so i'm still not that late. heh. (:
christmas this year was filled with gatherings. yayness! (:
i had fun this christmas. hopefully every christmas would be like this or even better! (:

22nd dec 'o7: sec sch class gathering in town! ((:
since they didn't allow any reservations in december, and we had too many people (first time so many people turned up for class gathering, kudos to wee!), we waited for about 1 & a half to 2 hours before we finally settled down and order our food.
after we've eaten, crapped and all, it was gift exchange. then cam whoring! haha.

here's everybody! ((:

paterson & david

chun & me. i stood behind him to make him look taller than me! heh.

left to right: claire, jingxian, yiying, esther & stephie

left to right: cheeki, yuppie & joven

one of my cam's flaws: you need to adjust the flash first before you put on anti-shake mode. that explains the dark pics of stephie & me, cause we only realised it aft the pic was taken.

what's 'blue stephie' trying to do? heh

finally. the one & only pic of the 3 of us for the night!
wee, stephie & me! ((:

the rest of the pics are in chunren's cammy. it'll take a while for him to upload all the pics though.
but i really had fun just hanging out with these people. (:

thank you wee wanqi vanessa for the purse! (:
thank you stephanie awyong for the book! (:

23rd - 24th dec '07: sleepover @ suxian's with PRF! (:

the most historical moment of the night! it doesn't look very clear on the pics but still...
and to think when she told us it was magnetic earrings, sx & i believed her.
p.s: liyi! when is it gonna be ur turn?? heh.

my companion of the night! thank you suxian 'ge ai' to me for the night. heh.

xin with the mini strawberries from cameron highlands!
she said they were mostly sweet. but most of us ended up eating a lot of the sour ones.

do, re, mi.. mi, re, do..

no. 1 highlight of the night - writing our resolutions for year 2008, what we want to accomplish by the year 2012, & some predictions.
it seriously gave me a feeling that i'm attending some workshop even though it's 1.34am! haha.




had to hide mine underneath the others' cause mine's the only one that's folded the wrong way! ):

the end result: 6 letters to ourselves in 2012!
p.s: is the bottle kept safely? cause i remembered it was last seen beside suxian's coffee table.

no. 2 highlight of the night - present exchange time!! (:

thank you lim jiaxin for ur effort to twist & turn the wire to make it star-shaped. (:

thank you cheng liyi & tay eileen for the snowman! it's hanging somewhere visible for me to rmb you all. (:
and the paper roses too! nice! (:
but the bouquet down there? isn't for us. haha. it's for liyi's special someone. heh.

thank you soo suxian & quek peiling for the top & the cardi! (:
hope you 2 like the stuff that i bought.

no.3 highlight of the night - truth or dare??

that's the improvised spinning 'bottle' from twister.

half dead, half awake truth or dare.

no.4 highlight of the night - ice cream binge! ((:
super fattening for all of us since it's like 3+ in the morning alr. haha.

suxian complained that all the pics show only her back, so this pic is taken to her her face! heh.

6 satisfied tummies! (:

i guess it was around 5 plus that everyone of us started drifting off.
honestly, i was drifting in & out of sleep that i can't recall what we were all talking about that night. haha. so if any of us spilled some super dark secrets, it's safe with flor! heh.
ended the sleepover with breakfast at macs.
reached home around 11am, and slept like a pig.
super sorry to gene cause i ps-ed him that night! ):

thank you gene for the christmas card! (:
thank you toh jin for the christmas card & the stars! (:
thank you liu shumin vanessa for the present & the card! (:

p.s: suxian! get the rest of the pics from me when you're online alrights? ((:

the perspiration from running made me feel so at ease & relaxed. i should do that more often.
4 more days to a new beginning. i can't wait! though it's been a roller coaster ride this year, i'm still thankful for the wonderful things & people that i've met this year.
most things in life are simple - it's people who complicate things.
4 more days to put you out of my mind, shift it to 'museum emo'.

1:50 AM.
" Saturday, December 22, 2007

i did what i had to do already.
tears were streaming down.
may be tears of sadness or maybe they're tears of guilt.
on the other hand, they might well be tears of self-pity.
everything has finally come to an end.
i need a break terribly..

10:05 PM.
" Friday, December 21, 2007

aarrgghh. i feel as though i have split personalities rather than being mood swingy.
there are like a few of 'me' trying to surface within minutes/seconds.
this min calm, the next min grumpy, then happy, then mean, then bitchy, then i dont know.. they're trying to take over me! HELP!

i've been rather pissed with myself the last few days!
i keep forgetting to bring ppl's christmas presents/cards out!
if i'm going to forget them again the next 3 days, i'm so going to kill myself!
not being able to pass the card to cheuk on mon wasnt that bad cause xin said i could share her card.
but i wanted to kick myself hard in the tummy on the platform today when i realised that i forgot to bring hui's present out! argh! then i had to only pass it to her when sch reopens, where christmas is wayy over! ):

that aside, i had a fun time with hui & cat today!
and i'm proud, once again, to say that i haven't been splurging on random stuff other than spending on food & buying wine for charles. *pats shoulder*
i like hanging out with them. they're the few who made life much more bearable in school.
hopefully we have more of such hanging outs! (:
thank you hui for the present & card! (:
thank you cat for the souvenir from thailand! (:
and thank you yan ping for the cookies on wed! (:
i feel blessed with them around in school! ((:

was downstairs chatting with gene & tim yst when lim jiaxin called from msia! ((:
since the guys were there, i couldnt really tell her how much i miss her.
but i was VERY happy when i saw a msian number. heh.
sunday, 10pm seems sooo long! ):
hopefully you'll reach earlier than that time. *prays hard*

18 and a half more hours to meeting wee, stephie & the rest of the sec sch people! ((:
i better remember to bring the presents!!

i need to do what i need to do in order for you to move on.
i dont think i'll regret saying what i need to say.
it's way better than letting everything hang there.

4:45 PM.
" Thursday, December 20, 2007

results are out, earlier than the stipulated date.
my results are better than expected.
thank God thank God thank God!
i felt that i've finally achieved something this year.
at least i didnt let my parents & my uncle (who has a lot of hopes on me) down.
i think i'm motivated for next sem already, or not? *shrugs shoulders*

been rather emo these past few days.
i guess i kind of understand how ade felt.
i too felt that i cant talk to anyone.
it's not like there arent people there who're willing to listen to us.
i guess for me, it's either i dont know how to express it to anybody or it's just at that very moment, i dont know who exactly to turn to.
alrights, i'm confused by what i said. haha.
but i'm really thankful that i have friends who can always make me smile, no matter what.

lim jiaxin is overseas. ))':
i missed her badly.
but at the very least i know she'll be enjoying herself.
i cant wait for sunday to see her & the rest!! (:

i think i'm being very mood swingy but i'm feeling very grumpy the whole day. yes i know it's an unforeseen circumstance. i was looking forward to it, but it had to end in a way that i'd somehow expected it to turn out. oh wells, i'll be over it soon i hope..

11:27 PM.
" Friday, December 14, 2007

i'm a happy girl! ((:
with meet-ups & shopping sprees & hanging out with my sweets!

wednesday: PAYDAY! (:
went on shopping spree with jiemei-s (chau choon & toh jin) & yan ping in town!
it was really intense shopping and i felt super guilty on that day! ):
we were supposedly buying christmas presents for ppl but i, yes me, ended up buying stuff for myself! ):
so much for telling the others that i shall not use my card at all that day! )):
but but but, it was really really fun hanging out with them!
especially when chau choon started being very drama and all and making all of us laugh very hard! haha! go drop one of the sub & demand to take drama!
and we met my darling hui at far east plaza! ((:
thanks for giving me an advanced christmas present & chocs from msia from yan ping! ((:

thursday: DATE WITH PEILING! (:
went on a shopping spree, again, with my darling!
we went to marina sq, then walked to bugis, then hopped to town, then went back to lot 1 for dinner, where super unglam stuff happened to the both of us in between!
no worries babe, i promised i wont tell anybody about your thingy alrights? heh.
and, yet again, i bought more stuff for myself! ):
but i did buy liu shumin's christmas present! (: i ALMOST wanted to give up cause i didnt know what to get for her!
as usual, it was real fun hanging out with her, laughing out loud, doing stupid stuff & all. heh.
thanks babe for sending me home after seeing how paranoid i was! (:

peiling wanted to go cycling and run around and scream but the rest all agreed that it'll rain today so we decided to go suxian's place. (:
peiling actually wanted to go caroling at her place but we ended up playing pictionary.
i agree with suxian that i'm addicted to pictionary too! heh.
but we played like three rounds of pictionary then we decided to play charades with the pictionary cards and stuff.
it was super funny watching peiling act and she got so hooked onto charades that she was still playing it when we were talking at macs! haha.
having conference with PRFs now! ((:
peiling keeps saying 'clubbing' every now and then, liyi keeps trying to entertain us but failed! haha. but i like the combined forces of the song that we did to irritate the rest! heh.
" we're going to the zoo zoo zoo, how about you you you? you can come too too too. we're going to the zoo zoo zoo."
suxian just left cause she has kayaking in the morn tml, leen seems to be doing most of the talking, xin and i are like fading into the background (cause i cant multi-task. heh)

yayness! i love meet-ups & catching up with all my loves! ((:
and yep, next week is filled with meet-ups yet again!
there's sending of cheuk off on mon, kai kai-ing with liu shumin on thurs (thank God for a public holiday so she can take a break from IHG and make time for me. heh), meeting darling hui on fri, sec sch gathering on sat, stayover at suxian place with PRF on sun, christmas dinner with gene on mon! ((:

results are going to be out next friday!
i'm very scared! )):
hopefully i do well! *prays hard*

8:57 PM.
" Monday, December 10, 2007

finally! i'm done with uploading these pics onto blogger.
it took me a VERY LONG while though.
there you go, the pics of C.H.O.C.O Milk - the chocolate milk & the milk packets! (it's some internal joke though. heh)

random pics


Art & Craft

the kids' work!

my group's work! (:


the sweet GESL ppl!! ((:

there's roaring sid, praba & ramesh, chau choon aka 'jiemei' & yan ping, toh jin aka 'jiemei' too, reena,hana,sherene,fizah (back row) liyana & raudah (front row), roopini, cat & my darling hui!

i guess i want to be alone for the time being.
rash and irrational decisions made people around and myself suffered.
i so need to set a new year resolution on this aspect!

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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Image: Neoyume
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