<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

12:21 AM.
" Thursday, January 24, 2008

driving was fun - i went onto the road today! (:
but almost every single soul laughed out real loudly when i told them i injuried my leg during driving.

and in fact, i did injuried my leg - i tore my left upper thigh muscle. ):
the sinseh says i shouldn't overstrain it further - no jumping, running, walking too much & climbing of stairs (but... stairs are the ONLY thing that can be found in school)

driving isn't that tough. it's just me being very tense up as usual.
so that explains why i tore my muscle.
simply put - i brought this upon myself. ):

sometimes i really wonder if i'm just a jinx or what.
cos my poor hui was feeling very down yst too.
but she said something which i thought was rather sweet.
even without guys, we still have each other.
because of all the sweet people that surrounds me,
i truly feel blessed.
thank you every single soul out there who cares & worries for me.
i love you all! ((:

for making it into the kayaking exco!! (((:
and thanks again for that sweet personal msg. (:

11:18 PM.
" Tuesday, January 22, 2008

okay, so i'm going to break my resolution of not having an emo entry, today.
but whatever had happened today hit me real hard, emotionally.
since it's already over, i see no point in dwelling too much into it, it'll just make me feel worst.

the description that one of my friend said today was so apt.
it's as though i let myself stand in the middle of the hockey field to fend for myself - so vulnerable.

it had been a long day today, and i'm really worn out physically and emotionally.

if only crying everything out would make me feel better.
if only whining to people around (many many thanks to you all) would make me less angry with myself.
if onlys...

it's not about possessing him, it's about him being happy with the one who will bring him happiness - just that i'm not that someone.

on a lighter note, AGM was alright.
and yes, i'm in the FOC '08 comm!
and some arts jamboree thingy that's apparently going to be the rather BIG thing in JUNE 2009!
yep, i'm starting to shift my focus away from you and onto other stuff.

movie with hui & hema on friday!! ((:

on a very very random note.
if you know who you are, i felt super distant from you.
is it just me or is it just you being busy and all?
i dont know.
things will get better after you're done with ur stuff right?
i sincerely hope so..

12:54 AM.
" Sunday, January 20, 2008

the week at a glance.

driving was postponed. was rather cranky that day esp after being 'sacked' from tuition. ):
had dinner with xin & gene. was very apologetic towards them for they waited almost an hr for me. hopefully the brownie made up for everything. heh.
and and, i saw a rainbow that day. stupidly made a wish. (:

nothing interesting.
met gene for lunch and was psycho-ed into doing something rather silly.
thank goodness i seek 'advices' from people around before attempting to do that thing,
which obviously i didn't.
p.s : gene tagged & asked me to edit the ...rather silly. part. eh, i dont know how to edit leh. it sounds okay to me? haha. anyways, it's just gene psycho-ing me to tell someone something. does it sound better? haha

driving in the early morning.
stalled the engine thrice. and honestly, i felt rather pressured since my instructor's mummy's friend.
i guess he went home and vomitted quite a lot of blood.
risked my life among 32 sick chickens to help cc take his mc bef heading to sch for gesl meeting.
had quite a fun time during the meeting laughing at sigmund & spent almost 1/4 of the time stoning.

in a struggle to decide what CS to take.
called pl to arrange for dinner with her, sx & xin ltr at night.
had a chat with praba after dont know how long! (:
dinner with the girls was amazing. really missed those times where we would just spend talking after eating and what nots. missed mugging together, snacking together, gossiping together.
i cant wait for 2nd february!!! ((:

driving with another instructor. yeah, i didnt feel very pressurised when he taught me. or maybe it was cause he didnt teach much! haha.
went to book TP test bef heading to school to drop the CS form. thank you daddy for sending me to & fro, even though he sort told me off - as to why i was still contemplating which sub to drop when i've alr made up my mind.
went town with darling wee ltr in the afternoon. (:
we stared at this boy playing the rubic thingy for a long time as we were amazed that he could figure the thingy twice. i told wee that i should go over and help him mess the thing up. heh.
the trip to town with wee was good. it sort of took my mind off certain things. (:
had a great dinner at the balcony. fulfilled my cravings for oreo cheesecake, even though the waitress laughed at me when she served us the desserts.

was up to nothing much today & perhaps on sunday as well.
another week of school is coming.
and it's time to get started on the assignments already. )):
looking forward to the coming friday - GESL dinner! ((:

2:40 AM.
" Thursday, January 17, 2008

i had better stop myself now before history repeats itself and i get hurt AGAIN..

10:23 PM.
" Saturday, January 12, 2008

saturday's blogging day! (:
eh, maybe not exactly, just trying to doodle some time & run away form my readings for a moment. heh.

was supposed to be going wee's place yst but she has to work so i decided to head down to the national museum of singapore with the history ppl. in other words, i asked if i could tag along with them since i had nothing to do till 5.30pm & being the auntie-fied flor, the museum visit is free. (:
i used to think the museum is a rather sweet place to go dating. i still think so, just that you shouldn't pay too much attention to your companion(some device that's like your virtual guide) throughout the visit.
i paid quite a huge amt of attention to it & i got information overload in the exhibition! ): i took a seat at one of the corners, and almost fell asleep while listening to her explanation!
all in all, the museum visit was fun cause hema, hui & seeming were there! ((:

went over to wee's place today to bake & then help her clean up the utensils before helping her to choose what to wear.
during baking and all, i heard something very traumatising can?! i can't imagine that such sick ppl actually DO exist in the profession. totally spoils the image of the profession can?!
after everything, i was really very drained. wanted to go home and just sleep the night away but i had to rush down to jp - had my 2nd dinner & shopped awhile with daddy & mummy before heading home.

driving starts on mon!
early morning at 8am, going to drive a NEW car!
as i was telling wee, i feel all the jitters when i see the L plate cars drive past me.
and when van & sid say they'll see me on mon just now, i told them maybe not.
i guess i'm just nervous & all. bet i wont be able to sleep well tml night! ):

if you ever come across this, i just wanna say I MISS YOU BADLY! )):
and honestly, i can't wait for IHG to end. but even before then, trust me, i don't dare to disturb you and all, afraid that you'll be busy with trainings and all the games, etc.
and when i have to hear from others that you aren't feeling good, it felt bad.
so if you ever have the time to browse through this, you had better make time for me after mid feb!
can't wait to see you on monday. and yes, i'll make sure i'll be in one piece to see you on mon! (:

one hour and 15mins more to your birthday.
hope you'll have a great birthday and may all your wishes come true! (:

5:20 PM.
" Thursday, January 10, 2008

first week of school was.. overwhelming.
with tons of readings to be done, and assignments' deadlines scaring us.
timetable is _____. we're not allowed to change lec/tutorial slots.
so we're basically stuck with our lousy timetables for a sem.
all my modules for this sem are tough.
no wonder people said the first sem is always the honeymoon sem, i totally second that!

it's only the first week of school and already i'm lacking sleep.
i can't imagine how worn-out i'll look by the end of this sem. bah.

on a lighter note, at least i knew people in my tutorial groups.
seeing familiar faces make me feel at ease, not so much for the workload but at least for the company. (:

even though school's been tiring, the small stuff that you do always make my day. thank you! (:

life is really very vulnerable. i finally realised this that morning during the accident, thank God everyone was alright.
the look on that pedestrian's face had since never left my memory.
i feel that sometimes in life, we can be so aloof of everything that even after something major has happened, we'll still be unmoved.
i don't want to feel that way. i want to love, laugh & live life. (:

11:53 PM.
" Friday, January 4, 2008

the first week of 2008 in a glance. (okay, almost the first week) (:

wednesday. mummy&daddy's wedding anniversary & chau choon's bday. (:
went to town with yanping, tohjin & the bday boy to celebrate his bday.
kbox-ed for 2 hrs plus before going to take neoprints. we came to a conculsion that we need to master japanese in order to take neoprints without feeling silly. heh.
after that, they had been very nice as to go on a shopping spree with me before it was homesweethome! ((:

thursday. my first attempt at baking at wee's place. (:
she isnt a first-timer so she knew what she was doing but me? VERY VERY CLUMSY!
i stupidly tried to open a tray of eggs with that tray of eggs ON MY PLAM. so yep, as you can imagine, an egg flew out of the tray before it hit the floor with a rather loud sound.
but the process - with all the laughter & pespiration & nonsense - as well as the end results were satisfying! ((:

friday(today). bonding sessions. (:
spent time with wee in the late morning to afternoon. that poor girl had to walk around with me in her terrible heels. THANKYOU DARLING, SOOOO MUCHIE FOR THE COMPANY & DRIED MANGOS! ((:
then met peiling for dinner. walked around for a while before settling down for light dinner. as usual, i always like the time we spent together. THANKYOU DARLING FOR THE ZIPLOC BAGS (not the normal ziploc hor, it's an inside secret), SWEETS/CHOCS & THAT RED BEAN THING! ((:

i thank God for sweet friends and for the fulfilling time that i've spent before the new sem starts. ((: breakfast cravings for hotcakes tml will be fulfilled provided i can get up. heh.

4:26 PM.
" Tuesday, January 1, 2008

HAPPY 2008! ((:

the first day of a brand new year!
with a brand new year comes a new beginning, new perceptions of life, new dreams, new hopes, new visions, and everything new!
there are a few things that i'd like to accomplished within the year.
  1. get my license
  2. consistent work out with my new work-out companion (:
  3. study hard
  4. save
  5. get a life
there're certain stuff that will always be on the list though, like being happy always, grumble less, spend more time with friends & family, etc. you know what i mean lar.
lessons learnt from the past year will only help us to grow more stronger.
may this new year be the best year yet for everyone out there!


a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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