<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

10:46 PM.
" Friday, February 29, 2008

recess week was meant to be a no-life week - mugging & assignments
BUT i guess i practically wasted the week away.
oh my! only managed to get 2 assign done & 2 more UNTOUCHED! )':
i feel like kicking myself hard in the stomach for wasting my time away.

tried doing my work and i THINK i finished a teeny bit?
and spent the rest of the day talking on the phone! *slaps herself*

forced myself to do work and managed to finish one major assign.
and spent the rest of the day talking on the phone again!

half slacking and half doing my work
and i think i talked on the phone AGAIN!

sentosa with hui! ((:
tanning and working out [she's weird. and my legs are aching from running on the sand! ):]
we talked about everything and i really agree that life would be diff in sch w/o her. (:
[p.s: praba, i'm sorry abt the beach outing, we'll go tgt soon! (:]
then dinner with chun, seng & seng's gf!
had sushi tei at vivo.
it was fun catching up with them and everything!
thank God for seng's gf cause at least she understands what i am saying
while the two guys were very blur and slow at getting my points.
went to take random candid photos, will be uploaded soon.

bro, thanks for everything.
NS is gg to be tough but i know you'll pull through.
i wont forget how the guys will always bully me and you'll always be siding me.
thank you! (:

and today was practically a non-working day too.
went for movies after driving.
then had dinner with vanny! (:
i miss that girl a huge lot.

i know i've said that alot of times but still, thank YOU!
you seem like the only person who understands how i feel
and what i'm gg through now and all.
i really thank God for putting you into my life 7 years ago!
and through you, i've known Him. (:
please meet up often! iloveyou! *HUGS* ((:

lovely vanessa & me! ((:

our paper hearts to each other! (:

breakfast with wee & stephie tml morning
and we're going for foot therapy after that
so that means it's most prob gonna be a non-work day again

i so needa get my butt down to my work on sunday.

the past few days felt so surreal.
i'll try my best to make a decision soon.
but THANKYOU for these past few days. (:

and to someone whom i considered quite impt:
even though i told myself it might not require any reply and all,
it's quite hurting to know that you didnt reply.
i guess i'm just in self-denial - that you're just busy not to reply or spend time with me.
and i seriously dont know why i feel this way.
i wished things were like before when we started knowing one another.

10:49 PM.
" Tuesday, February 26, 2008

i guess the 8th deadly sin is selfishness.

because i dont want myself to get hurt,
i chose to run away from everything.
i talked myself out of the whole thing
because i was unsure of myself, of us, of the future and everything.

thanks xin for being there, as always. (:
thanks for being there when i feel that my life is crumbling.

2:13 PM.
" Sunday, February 24, 2008


i know i have never said these to you, and i know you will hardy come across this.
but as i mature, i guess it's always a blessing in disguise to have you in my life.
although there ARE times when you really drive me nuts and what nots,
i realised that, after all, you ARE important to me!
and i've never said this before, but ILOVEYOU! (:
i hoped you enjoyed your day today!

4:30 PM.
" Saturday, February 23, 2008

finally celebrated suxian's and peiling's bday.
luckily everything went smoothly. (:
photos and details will be up later.

a great big thank you to all the staff who made things go smoothly.
and thank GOD for the small and short drizzle only. (:

it was really nice be to at sentosa with the girls after soo long.
every moment (stupid, touching, funny etc.) will be etched in my memory for life!
even though i did ALOT of outrageously stupid things (p.s: girls, it's a secret among us okay? PLEASE dont let it out!), i still had fun with them.
really love their company a lot, and yes, miss them a lot too.

i love the night life in sentosa!
the breeze, the beach, the lightings and everything! (:
if i am rich enough, i'll buy a house at sentosa cove! (:

rejection is never sweet.
i'm sorry i had to do it and i hope you didnt drink too much yst.
if it makes you feel better, then stay away from me.
but i really like having you as a friend.

11:16 PM.
" Saturday, February 16, 2008

today was supposed to be my primary sch gathering.
they planned to go over to my chinese teacher's place for visiting.
but i skipped that cause i alr promised to go over wee's place for the annual CNY visiting.
but i'm determined to meet up with the primary sch ppl on 15th march! heh.

the annual CNY visiting at wee's place was fun! (:
i cant exactly remember when was the last time i saw shao min.
but every time we meet, we'll scream at the same time! and the place is always in the kitchen!
heh. last time was cause of this bug. this time round was the cork of a champagne. it flew all directions and HIT the back of my head & bounced off and landed somewhere.
that, was the funniest thing that happened and i doubt the 4 of us (shao min, wee, sista & me) will ever forget it. haha.
and i honestly think i cant gamble for nuts! lost my capital but xian was so nice to return 2 bucks each to shao min & me. so i lost like 8 bucks in total. that's quite sad! ):

while waiting for the rest to come, shao min & i were watching 'the game plan'
and i was really stuffing myself with BA KUA! heh. now i feel so fat! ):
but as i was watching the vcd, i realised how cute the rock is! haha. but that's that lor.

i like spending time with wee! (:
the bond between us can hardly be explained.
and to think she's gg overseas in a few years' time! ahhh. i'm dreading that day! )':
and babe, i'm really super ultra sorry about not gg to the preview with you!
luckily your colleague went with you, not i'll be condemned man. heh.
and and, i wanna go holidaying with you soon! when my exams end! ((:

2:25 PM.
" Friday, February 15, 2008


this year's v.day was different form the other years cause this year's v.day was spent with FRIENDS. (:

after lesson, went over to canteen to have the usual 'thursday meetings' (which is what he calls it) with praba! (:
since i thought he was not alone, i was rather late. but he WAS alone, and i felt so bad to make him wait for 25mins. heh, sorry bro! (:
as usual, it was fun chatting with him and all, this time round listening to him complain to me instead of the other way round. heh. and laughed at his silliness for remembering the wrong number of years he got tgt with his gf!

after that, walked over (it was a super ardous journey, even though it was rather windy) to van's hall to pass her some stuff. waited for her at her car and fed a few mosquitos! ):
it's been a while ever since we last talked for more than 5mins since IHG started and it was really nice to have spent some time with her. ((:
4th may sounds very far but i'm dreading it though i know she cant wait to take a break from everything.
i cant help it but feel very upset & affected by the way she phrased it and all.
3months&6days - that's even longer than IHG! ))':

had dinner with pl & sx at causeway.
the ruralite was fortunate to have been driven there, instead of travelling a looooong way (thankyou liushumin!).
everywhere was so crowded so we ended up at pastamania.
talked for more than 30mins then we decided to order our food.
after eating was second half of talking. heh.
and i saw alan & his gf. i was so lousy that i only saw him when he & his gf were leaving, got kinda scolded by that mean cousin of mine. haha.
luckily he wore a purple top, not i wouldnt even have noticed him!
we went to take neoprints then headed to lot 1 before we all went separate ways. (:

dinner! (:

camwhoring on the mrt platform
[p.s: look at the new addition to my phone! i like! (:]

pics in the train + candid shots! ((:

pics at lot 1. thankyou ww for being the photographer!
sx aka the tree.
pl & flor aka the leaves.

it was really nice to have spent quality time with them!
i had a great valentine's day this year! ((:

9:18 AM.
" Wednesday, February 13, 2008


2008! ((:

i know this came abit late. but hey, CNY lasts 15 days right?
so it's still not too late.
and i sort of picked a 'good' day to post cos
today's the 7th day of CNY,
which is also known as 'REN RI'.

this year's new year, i felt, was very different.
it was very fulfilling.
though we didnt really go for visiting much, cos daddy's back was aching,
and we didnt really went to watch movies (like we did in prev. yrs) or went to river hong bao and all, i loved this yr's new year cos the family spent quality time together. (:

on the eve of CNY we went to chinatown.
bought stuff and ran into a few of mummy's friend.
i especially like this uncle ming. very happy-go-lucky man.
how i wished everyone woud aged like this happily! (:
that night, we had dinner together!
it's been a while since we all sat together on a table outside.

first day of CNY was spent at first uncle's place.
this year we didnt go over to 3rd uncle's place - no more pizzas for lunch, and sadly, no more ah po.
but lunch at 1st uncle's place was good! and we had so many things to eat - yusheng, desserts, CNY goodies & BA KUA! (:
it was nice seeing the younger generation gathering together again.
and very soon, 5 more months, we'll be meeting again for our eldest cousin's wedding! (:
that night, the whole family sat down together to watch tv! (:
a very rare thing in the family as well - i wanted to take a pic of us but i told myself that even though a picture paints a thousand words, pictures that are etched in my memory will worth more than that! ((:

the rest of the CNY hols were spent like that abovementioned.
i really loved it alot.
the things that we do may sound very common in other families, but to me, as long as there are times where we could do them, i'm alr very contended (and even when i typed this para, tears of joy are rolling down my cheeks. heh.)

however, the downside of this hols and all - schoolwork! ):
the last few days of CNY hols was chiong-ing work ALL THE WAY!
and when i went back to school, people around haven't been in their best of mood either. ):
BUT, like what limjiaxin said, we should always look on the bright side of things!

yeah, like i'm really looking forward to meeting suxian & peiling tml.
and on saturday, there's CNY celebration at wee's place - meeting the sec sch gang & shaomin.
and meeting gene soon for movies.
[P.S: gene! i'm not sure if the promotion is still on, but can we book 4tixs for CJ7 at GV? then we get can the alien puppy stuff toy! hee. (:]
and meeting the girls soon soon. next week please. (:
and movies with anu - LEAP YEARS! [i like wong lilin (:]

see, so many good things to look forward to!
and i havent really do anything for V.day for my friends.
and i'm still contemplating what to do. and V.day is like TML?
we'll see what i can think of later in the day then. heh. (:

may the year of the rat be a fulfilling and happy year for everyone out there! (:

8:51 PM.
" Tuesday, February 5, 2008

i spring cleaned my room today! ((:
it's definitely all prepared for CNY

i dont know why but spring cleaning the room brightens up my mood!
it's like discarding all the unhappy stuff and welcoming all the good stuff that are coming MY way. heh.

went xin's place for steamboat with PRF on sat.
it was nice meeting up with them and knowing that they've all been fine.
i didnt do much talking, just kept drinking the soup
and dumping corns to xin. heh.
pl & sx asked if i was okay cause they thought i looked sad that day.
thanks for the concern but i'm really fine,
just perhaps exhausted and a teeny weeny bit dreading the amt of work waiting for me at home.
and to add on to that, XXX has to bring her readings there to stress me!
alrights, kidding babe, you know i dont mean it ya? *HUGS*

i really really really missed school with them.
leen asked where in PJ do we miss the most.
most of them said canteen, leen said toilet, but to me, it's the grand stand lar!
the grand stand that we spent time chitchatting away, not that we didnt chitchat in the canteen (all the time), but i really miss those times.

i hope we'll always rmb each other and make time for meet-ups!
i missed and loved you all to bits!! ((:

homemade yu sheng by xin's mummy! (before)

during. just look at all our clumsy hands. heh.
but still. "lao ar lao ar" (:

look at liyi. tsk! haven't even start and she's hovering over the steamboat alr. hee.

suxian trying to take liyi and whatever am i doing in the pic??

liyi & leen! (:

peiling, xin & suxian! (:

group photo! ((:

have a safe trip to and fro.
do enjoy urself when you're celebrating CNY there.
miss you! *HUGS*

10:59 AM.
" Friday, February 1, 2008

yayness! it's FINALLY friday aka no school day! (:
hectic week in school, draining me and killing all my brain cells.
5 assignments to be done & handed up by the end of feb!
argh! there goes my CNY hols! )):

i SO need to get started.
i'm only halfway through the first assign and the easier part alr took me 2 whole days! ):
i sucked at integrating IT into classrooms can? argh, spare me from all the IT stuff! i'm an IT caveman!
after all the whinings, i STILL have to do the assign cos it's 40% of the final grade.
someone save me! ):

oh wells. like i said, it's a hectic, kill-the-brain-cells week.

monday: ALS research paper 'breifing'. the broad topics given looked so narrowed down to me! i dont know how to go about narrowing it down further! ): and proposal's due in 4 weeks.

tuesday: i can't rmb what i did, other than setting a time for FOC comm meeting the next day and coming home to bury myself into assign. oh oh. i rmb now! i saw a super cute guy in sch! (: but i bet he isn't from our sch, like what seeming & nellie said. haha.

wednesday: FOC comm meeting. it was o-k-a-y. settle some of the apointments and had lunch with hui aka sick chicken for the week. hmm, had some heart-to-heart talk with chau choon & yan ping after lesson. headed to pastamania for dinner. sweet friends i have. they came over to Lot 1. ((: had a quick dinner bef yanping rushes off. and i went on a shopping spree! haha. i got a shock when i saw my bank acc yst.

thursday: FOC comm meeting with the seniors. hmm, there was some conflict about the appointments. apparently it wasn't fair. so we decided to open up every posts again. i dont like such power struggle. it was highlighted umpteen times that it's just gg to be a NAME. oh wells. had a chat with shah. and i met a few more sweet people yst! (:

going over to Lot 1 in a while to run some errands then coming back to start on my second part of the first assign. hopefully i get something done! *crosses her fingers*
class reunion dinner at 7pm later!
thank God they'll be coming over to my place for 'ji cha'. then i wont have to strain my injury further. (:

steamboat with PRF tml! i can't wait! ((:

i thought it was going to be tough moving on. but i guess practice makes perfect.

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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