<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

10:44 AM.
" Sunday, March 23, 2008

finally! (: blogger let me upload pics! heh.
this will take a while then i promise i'll head back to work! (:

22nd march 2008, saturday - officer comms ball at shangri la hotel.
a function that i would want to attend & i had fun then, no doubt. (:
happy commissioning to tim & jon! (:

the ambience there was nice. i like.
the food was o-k-a-y. i especially like the dessert.
the main course was not bad too.
the hotel's toilet is super nice!
i wanted to take a pic in there but there were quite a few ppl. heh.
only managed to take a few pics cos jon was saying we're like some tourists if we keep taking pics! hahaha.
there you go, enjoy~ (:

the nice display at our table! (:

the next few pics are the door gift that the guys get.

the top of the beer, which says 'infantry' instead of heineken.

the front view.

the back view.

the dessert! *yum yum*

GINA! (:


the sweet couple! (:

group photo! there's jon, me, gina, & tim! ((:

after the function's activity was nice&sweet. ((:
sorry that we wasted $23.60 for nothing though!
the concoction of bombay sapphaire + davidoff fragrance is nice. i like.
but not to often please! heh. (:
i know i've been very stressed up & snappy & whatnots.
THANKS for being patient with me. ((:

TOHYEWKEAT is back! (:
lets meet up soon! this weeekkkk. i promise! ((:
OEI! that void that you feel? it's a psychological thing!
dont think of it, then it will disappear!
11 more mths! and everything will be over!
hang in there bro! (:

1:31 AM.
" Sunday, March 16, 2008

i finally got hold of SOME of the pics that we took that day we had a gathering! ((:
kop-ed from chun's blog thou. heh.
there you all go, enjoy the pics! ((:

oh my! look at chun (the orange guy!). super gay pose lor! no wonder you have so MANY friendster requests from gays bro! hee. (:

group photo: there's me, chun, seng & seng's gf - sze ling!
thou i think i look kinda weird in this pic.

okay. this pic is SO MUCH better than the other one!

the couple! (:

seng & me.

and the act cute photo of chun & me!
look at my legs! so far apart lar! super unglam!

and i found this on one of my sec sch friend's blog.
i thought it was super true and i just wanna take this chance to appreciate all those who have stood by me all these while! ((:
for being there when i needed you all.
for always being so patient with me thou i know i'm like a little kid almost all the time! heh.
for giving me reality checks when i'm irrational.
and for not being judgemental.

A friend is...

Accepts you as you are
Believes in you
Calls you just to say ''Hi''
Doesn't give up on you
Envisions the whole of you

Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps you
Invites you over
Just be with you
Keeps you close at heart

Loves you for who you are
Makes a difference in your life
Never judges
Offers support
Picks you up
Quiets your fear

Raises your spirit
Says nice things about you
Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
Understands you
Values you

Walks beside you
X-plain things you don't understand
Yells at you when you don't listen
Zaps you back to reality

5:15 PM.
" Friday, March 14, 2008

the blog looks dead...
havent really have the time to blog about the mundane stuff that i do everyday.
assignments are due in no time, 3 more weeks i think?
and 2 of the assigns. are those which i just cant motivate myself to do it, much less do it well.
i hope i get at least C for those two modules like PLEASE! *prays HARD*
i cant wait for those modules & this sem to end!
it's super draining, and wearing me out!!! ):

exams are drawing near too! argh!
i really hope i have the motivation & time to revise thoroughly bef the actual paper.
may His wisdom & peace be with me! (:

driving has been o-k-a-y, i guess?

drove the car super close to the curb and bump into the curb on wed i think?
haha. got scolded by alot of people for doing that. heh.
i'll be careful next time. (:

today was alright until when i was about to make a right turn.
instructor & me were stepping on the brake pedal at the traffic light.
then the light turned green, so i lifted my foot off the brake pedal.
then i was like: 'eh, how come the car not moving?'
then i look at instructor.
shit! she doze off with her foot still on the brake pedal!!
i was like: 'hmmm. hmmm. lao shi...'
then i panic. the car behind was honking alr lor.
then she woke up, lifted her foot off the brake pedal just as the car behind was cutting me on the right!
got honked again plus an angry stare.
but she's forgiven cause she took pills for her cold bef that, which apparently causes drowsiness.

anyways, all those above werent really why i came to blog! hahah.
just being the usual naggy me. heh
had dinner with gene & xin yst.
it was nice meeting up with them and everything! (:

TOH YEW KEAT EUGENE: have a safe trip to & fro! just leave whatever worrying stuff behind and take a well-deserved break while you're in HK! just rmb to play safe (you know what i mean hor!). heh. and also hope the flu thingy over at HK isnt that major. ENJOY your vacation there! ((:

alrights. back to work... ):

i dont know how to emphasize this.
but really wanna thank you for EVERYTHING.
fast forward fast forward fast forward please! heh.

2:51 PM.
" Sunday, March 9, 2008

alrights, with regards to the prev. entry, i must say, i'm a bit extreme.
but at that moment, it was how i felt lar. so yeah.
everything's fine now, i guess??

THANKS to everyone who cared, tagged and what nots! (:

to the kids: I'M fine alrights? hope you all did well for CA & yeah, study hard for PSLE! (:

to ade: THANKS ade! you nv fail to put a smile on my face when things dont seem to go right. I'LL BE THERE FOR YOU TOO! ((:

to vannn: oh my! i was darn busy when sch started and i didnt update you! *slaps herself* i'll get back to you in a while. i really missed you a lot! ((:

to xin & gene: THANKS for always being there and everything, for not judging me and for understanding me. i cant wait for THURSDAY! ((:

school, as usual, is hectic and draining.
i cant wait for exams to be over so that i can run away for a while.
i ran into jie shaeron that day at lot 1. (:
i miss her and both of us looked darn pale & tired lar.
may the Lord watched over her & her baby! i know how much that baby meant to her.

time to get back to work! ):

thanks for being a part of my life! (:

5:30 AM.
" Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i cant remember when was the last time i cried so helplessly over the phone with xin there.
last year's feb? i think.

whatever that is happening now seems to be tearing me apart.
i really have no idea what i want to do now.
'TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT' was the voice within me.
'why do this to yourself? and let yourself be open to attacks and judgements? forget it flor. just leave everything when it's still early. let go and move on'
not the exact words that i hear, but it seems rather powerful even when typed out.

xin talked me into calling you and talk about everything
just so that the friendship might not be affected.
i took a lot of courage to make that call.
but was rejected - cause you were in the movies.
before i made my decision i tried calling you many times.
but you didnt pick up any of my calls.
perhaps just busy.
yesterday when i saw you, i kinda felt your reaction changed.
i knew then, that you were disappointed in me.
and there's nothing i can do.
you are important to me.
but i guess, at any point of time, this thing doesnt go two way.
maybe i shouldnt think too much.
maybe i shouldnt be so affected.
just maybe cause to you, i'm not so important

i guess that's all i wanted to say.
i dont feel like trying to make calls anymore.
cause for me, once it drags for a while, i cant then bring myself to breach the topic any further.
and so, i'll just leave it, even if it's only affecting ME!

driving's at eight.
i dont know how am i gg to concentrate in this condition.
maybe all i need is a car accident to wake up from everything that i'm gg through now. hah.

i so want to run away from everything.

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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