<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

5:16 PM.
" Tuesday, April 22, 2008

only the start of my 3 months holidays and i heard something disappointing!
pissed. with myself.
disappointed. in her.
thankful. to nellie. (:

this is the ONLY time i'll ever allow myself to make such a huge, grave mistake.
never again will i be so stupid to trust people too easily and let them in about everything, or things which i think is important to me!

lucky her that it's the start of hols and i dont have to see her for the next 3 months.
3 months for me to calm down, think rationally and HOPEFULLY get over it.

on a lighter note, my practicum sch (pri) is out.
thankfully the school called me, so i have one less school to call! (:

study hard and do your best for ur papers! ((:

6:11 PM.
" Saturday, April 12, 2008

we celebrated gene's bday today! (:
it was a flawless plan, or maybe quite flawless.
gene didnt suspect anything AT ALL! ((:
we all really hope you had fun gene!

lets just let the pics do the talking!! (:

xin and i had a little fun with gene - treasure hunting! (:
took us ard an hr to roam ard lot 1.
and ard 15mins for me hogging in the toilet's cubicle!

the bday boy thinking of where the next clue leads to.

taking pic while we're 'treasure-hunting'

our final destination - pizza hut.
with the clue of a house + a mouse! ((:

tim with his pizza.

ade with her pizza.
P.S: ade! see how nice of me to upload the nicer pic instead of the other one! hee! miss you! (:

gene & ade

xin & me

tim & ade

timmy & me

the cake cutting!! (:

the bday boy making a wish

him about to blow the candles

him cutting the cake

group photos

group photo w/o tim & 1/4 of xin

group photo, with tim & gim looking more like the bday boys than gene himself! (:

and finally, when we're about to leave. (:

ade & me

and the bday boy himself & me & his gift from us! ((:

we really hope you enjoyed this day! (:
it took us a lot of sweat and pain and everything
and we're glad that you appreciate it,
other than NOT brining that board to town! *humph*

life's been nice, sweet and blissful and everything with you.
i appreciate everything that you have done for me.
lets hope it stays this way for as long as possible. ((:

it's time to hit the books now!
okay, after dinner that is! (:

2:29 PM.
" Thursday, April 3, 2008

'WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??!!', says the mind.
but my sponge-like mind, the fingers clicked & typed faster.
so i'll be off here in a jiffy, i promise! (:

after this post, i'll be off on a mugging spree,
hence the new name for my mind: sponge-like!
to absorb all the required info that i need for EXAMS!
18 more days to F-R-E-E-D-O-M!!
gonna work my ass off for ka-ching then! (:
i'm appealing for ppl to work tgt with me please!
to save the no life ah florr!

TOHYEWKEAT if you are reading this,
pssst. you know what?
whatever you wrote on ur last entry?
that's freaking exactly what i've been feeling since school started too.
what's with all those 'snowballers' in singapore when it doesnt even snow here!
alrights, that was random, but i understand what you're going through.
trust me, i do!
but, we'll go through this tgt alrights?
rmb what we all said to each other 2yrs ago some night at macs after mugging our ass off for As with xin??
yeah, that will come true for all three of us! i believe that, and you ought to! (:
30th april!! you'll make it through. have faith in yourself! 0 demerit pts from circuit lor. you'll make it! then aft that you can drive me around! ((:

oh wells, thats act the reason why i came to blog.
nothing much to blog abt my life.
been having the urge to blog. but whenever i log in, the urge just seems to fade off.
i've been fine though, just stressed up with studies.
other than that everything is fine, i guess?
or perhaps just one/two things thats been bugging me.
but i guess it's just me reading too much into stuff.

has it always been this way?
that i'll say: i miss you
and you'll just smile?
i miss having lunches with you in school.
i miss us singing out loud tgt in your car.
i miss going to random places in your car.
i miss all the late night talkings over the phone.
will it ever still be the same?
i pray it will...

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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