<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

11:01 PM.
" Saturday, May 31, 2008

i thought i was gonna stay strong when i heard what happened.
but i didnt. extreme scenarios kept flashing through my mind.
i couldnt help but fear, tear and worry about how life would be like w/o her.

thank God everything seem to turn out fine.
i promised myself to always be there for her whenever she needs me.
no matter how tired i may be, or how much i dread going down just to meet her.

i love you, really do.
life seems so meaningless w/o you.

3:29 PM.
" Wednesday, May 28, 2008

the past week was ...
fulfilling, happy and nice i think?
generally that is.
cos at some point, i was feeling low low low low low..
but everything's fine now. (:

driving under my instructor's boss was good. (:
after 5mths of driving, i finally received constructive comments.
if any of you all wanna know why i said finally, ask me and i'll tell you.
i will conquer reverse parking proportionally!!

last friday was a super hectic day.
went for dental appt in the morning. the dentist looks kinda young.
quite cute too. heh. and he found a tiny cavity! ):
and said 'missing' 4 times.
hmmmm? is it abnormal that your wisdom teeth arent out at this age yet??
needa go back to fill up my cavity, on the first day of practicum.

went to meet ally aka 'xiao bu dian' for lunch before heading to my practicum (pri) school for induction prog.
i miss her and the kids sooooooo much. (:
and i felt super extra when i was at the induction prog.
i thought only the deg. ppl will be there but the dippers were there too.
so i was the only one, out of 8 ppl who was under-dressed for the induction prog. ):
but the 2 things that made me happy were:
1) the school is filled with purple handrails! ((:
2) i'm 'posted' to be in the morning session! (:
so i guess it wasnt that bad after all.

rushed down for tuition at mindstretchers.
2 new kids to the class.
they seem less noisy that day i think?
and as usual, like the first lesson, my class was the latest to end.
sometimes i wonder how the other teachers can finish within the time frame.
cos the time allocated for each worksheet + the kids' ability/speed to complete each worksheet + the time needed to explain certain rules varies.
is it me who's very naggy? i hope not!

weekends were spent marking the kids work.
went to have sushi for brekkie+lunch+hightea. (:
and i actually left my phone at home!
thinking that if i wait patiently at our meeting place, everything will be fine.
sorry to have made you worried! :s

had lunch with wang hui at causeway bef heading down to mindstretchers to relief chau choon's class cos he's back for reservist on mon.
i miss hui a lot! ((:
and i always have a good laugh whenever she complains about her clubbing experience!
hahaha. one day i should tag along to see if it's true or even worst than what she said! heh.

chauchoon's class of pri ones were kinda cute.
less noisy than my class.
and i finished 10mins before time! (:
met up with my new class' teacher.
kinda stressed aft that.
firstly, cos they're pri 6.
then, the teacher was the centre's best teacher.
oh my! God, i pray for your favor and the favor of mankind to be upon me! :s

then went for dinner with tim and b.
i love the laksa at lot 1. (:

yesterday met up with pl and leen.
we waited quite a while for leen.
and ended up eating alot!
and laughed at stupid stuff.
other than pl's gingerbread woman aka pl herself
and also this girl who had a lollipop hairclip clipped at the middle of her tucked-back fringe!

sometimes i dont know why i get affected by ppl who seem very unfriendly.
i wasnt the one who wanted to shift the meeting to next week
and it wasnt intentional for me to have typos in my email. :s

9:48 AM.
" Wednesday, May 21, 2008





hope you're having lots of fun

and enjoying your time spent

over in malaysia with your


this year is the first year you're

spending your birthday

overseas, away from us,

away from our 'traditional'

way of spending or rather

celebrating your birthday.

it feels kinda weird,

like something's missing.


5:34 PM.
" Tuesday, May 20, 2008

If the heart is always searching,
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone,
I'll never make it on my own.
Dreams can't take the place of loving you,
There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

How long will I be waiting,
To be with you again
Gonna tell you that I love you,
In the best way that I can.
I can't take a day without you here,
You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

More and more, I start to realize,
I can reach my tomorrow,
I can hold my head up high,
And it's all because you're by my side.

When you look me in the eyes,
And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When I hold you in my arms,
I know that it's forever.
I just gotta let you know,
I never wanna let you go.

When you look me in the eyes.

And tell me that you love me.
Everything's alright,
When you're right here by my side.
When you look me in the eyes,
I catch a glimpse of heaven.
I find my paradise,
When you look me in the eyes.

- Jonas Brothers (when you look me in the eyes)

thank you for everything.
especially the past few weeks.
it's been a long time since i felt so carefree and stress-free.
you're the light that makes my darkness disappear. (:

5:11 PM.

an earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.8/9 on the Ritcher scale,
happened in Szechuan, China.

a cyclone, that almost swept the city away,
happened in Myanmar, Vietnam.

seems like current 'hot' case studies that
geography students can use for examination purposes

or not?

i've been wondering these few days if these disasters are just certain abnormal behaviours of nature or if Judgment Day is drawing near.
are these disasters a reflection of what we, humans have done to Mother nature?
or are these warnings from Him that we ought to do something to heed the call?

bad news = good/top news.
i finally understood why some people rather not learn of every day's news.
i guess this way, they wont feel for the victims/casualties reported in the news
and can then live their own carefree, stress-less life.

scientificity or supernatural?
thought-provoking or random?
you decide.

11:23 PM.
" Sunday, May 4, 2008

i finally found something worthwhile to blog about
after getting kinda sick with blogging all the mundane stuff that fills my life.

today will definitely be one of the days that i'll etch in my memory for life!
i suddenly feel so blessed in ONE day.
just spending the day away with all my loved ones.
(guess that's also part of the reason why i cried just now - too happy? heh.)

today is liushumin's flight to the states.
decide to 'see' her off at the airport.
and i felt kinda bad, at first, that i had to 'lao dong' the whole family to go all the way to the airport just to have lunch. but in the end, it wasnt that bad, cos i spent quality time with them! (:

anyways, it was ard 11:43am when we were on our way there.
daddy was asking what time is van's flight. then i said 2:40pm.
daddy's reply made me panicked. he said i wont be able to make it to see her off alr.
then i said: 'but she said she's going to reach the airport ard 12 plus'
and i was very paranoid throughout the whole trip there.

and liushumin, is you get to see this,
i prayed to God throughout the whole journey to let me at least see you one last time before you fly. i know it sound kinda ridiculous but that's what i did. heh.

SO. when i reached the airport, i checked the big big board (though i dont know her flight details) and ventured my way to the check in row that i think is quite likely to be hers.
then i called her for the dunno how many times and finally it got through.
and she told me she wasnt there yet. PHEW!

so then, to cut the story abit shorter,
she came, and i met her. passed her the stuff and decided to leave first.
cos i know i'll cry if i waited for her to go into the departure gates.

i'll miss you when you're in the states.
and you dont know how touched i was when i saw your tag.
have lotsa fun over there, as well as enjoy your well-deserved break! ((:
i hope 3 months will come and go asap!

then the whole family went to have lunch at T3.
after which, we headed to macs for desserts and drinks.
and we took photos! and i suddenly feel like i'm a tourist in singapore!
haha. how ironic.
but like i said, it was extremely GOOD to have spent quality time with them! ((:

then headed over to vivo just now for dinner and movie.
finally had some quality time spent tgt after sooooooooooooooooooooooo long.
the movie was quite nice. though we thought it was a horror movie in the first place. haha.
Over Her Dead Body is rather sweet and touching i think. (:
went to window-shop abit after the movie before heading home.
it was on our way home that i suddenly feel that i haven't cried in a while.
so then i just felt like crying,
other than feeling rather happy about today, i just feel like crying for no apparent reason.
i think i'm weird. but i think sometimes we do have such moments, dont we?

i want to give thanks to God for today.
thank Him for blessing me with the chance to see van.
and more importantly the chance to spend quality time with my loved ones.
You are really amazing!
and i dedicate this day to You!

okay. i think i'm done for this super long entry. (:

my phone is being very cranky to me nowadays!
i think it's cos i'm harboring thoughts of changing it. ):

and one last thing.
i'm SERIOUSLY in need of a job.
some help here, anybody???

oh oh, one last thing
, for real.
for finishing your exams tomorrow! (:

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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