<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

11:16 PM.
" Sunday, June 8, 2008

love is in the air! (:

i simply adore my parents & weewee! ((:

went for carwash today.
and when daddy went to pay for the carwash,
i suddenly thought of times when we were younger.
daddy will always bring kor kor and me for car washes at petrol stations.
whenever he comes back from the kiosk, before the wash,
daddy will always buy us sweets. (:

anyways, i was thinking if daddy will get me sweets this time round
and when he came back into the car, indeed.
he bought me mentos grape! (:
though it isnt the sweet that he used to buy for me,
but at that moment, i felt SO blessed.
thank you daddy! ((:

met up with weewee after dinner just now.
she said it seems like we havent met up for a very long time.
and i'm glad i met up with her today.
i was super duper happy for her
when she told me what had been happening in her life. ((:

i think i'm a bit too happy. heh.
cos she seem like her normal self!

and we went to take our first neoprint together, after knowing for so many years!
hahaha. and took photos from her polaroid camera with pooh bear frames!! (:

i always love bonding and catching up sessions with my love! (:

P.S. wee wanqi vanessa! if ever you feel like talking about anything,
just say it okay! and always remember, we are here for you! love you
my love! take care and i'll see you soon! ((:

thank you Lord for putting all these people in my life!

9:25 PM.
" Sunday, June 1, 2008

i always remember how i anticipate the new year that's going to come before me on 31st december.
i always thought that no matter how bad the current year is, it's coming to an end in no time.
and the next year will definitely be a better year for me.

but as i reflect on the past 6 months, and also some other years, i realised it aint as 'perfect' as i had anticipated.
however, i do realised that by the end of every year, things that happened more often than not, make me a stronger person through and through.
so even though things may not be going smooth and all, i still thank God that He put me through all these, letting me learn from every, and any situations possible.

taking a moment to reflect on these past 6 months, i received a revelation.
that throughout these months, i encountered friendships, relationships as well as kinships 'problems'.

friends mean alot to me.
and i always thought i would uphold to this principle that
i would be there for them.
but i realised recently that i seem to have been neglecting them.
and because of two incidents, one whereby a friend got very affected by a decision i made
and another one where my trust for another friend got misplaced,
i realised that i'm starting to keep everything to myself.
and i really mean everything,
i just stop opening up to my friends. and dont do 'regular chats' with them.
i do feel guilty about these though.
but i dont know how much more courage i need to open up again.
but i will try.

i realised i dont talk about this very much in my entries.
i somehow feel that where affairs of the heart matters,
it's easier to 'whine' to people face-to-face.
[sorry to those whom i've whined to. heh. but you all know i do appreciate it right? (:]

and i always thought that the people werent right.
but i came to realise that maybe after all, the cause of everything is me.
maybe it's because i feel that nobody out there is capable enough to help me share my burden (if you know what i'm talking about) because i feel that i, myself aint capable enough of doing that.

maybe, just maybe, i dont want to add on to others' burden.
and yes, if YOU happened to read this, i guess i dont want to add on to your burden,
and especially yours because i know yours is a rather huge burden on its own already.

it was just a few days ago that i thought my life was gonna crash for a second time
after last december.
i always remind myself that i ought to cherish and not take for granted people who are around me, especially my family.
but i realised that many a time, it's them that i still take for granted.
and it's only until something 'big' happened that you realised how important they are to you.
and how life would be if anything ever descend them.
but i guess it's natural for humans to just take things or people for granted, in one way or another huh?

alrights. enough ramblings.
i cant believe i am going to have 4hrs of tuition straight tml. ):
which means 4hrs and more of standing! ):

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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