<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

3:12 PM.
" Tuesday, December 30, 2008

happy christmas everybody! (:

i'm here to update! (:
this year's christmas wasnt that happening.
but this year's christmas, other than having meet-ups with friends, spending time with family, i also went for service (remembering what happened more than 2000 years ago).

met up with gene, praba, hui, james, sig, stephie, wee and PRF but didnt really take much pics.
spent most of the time catching up and all. (:
anyways, i think i'm just going to upload a few pics and say a few stuff.
tribute to them will be left till tml or 1st of jan! (:

meeting up with gene & xiao hui was for a while only.
never really talked much since both of them were rushing.
but it was good seeing the both of them tgt.
they look like secondary school couples! heh. no offense bro! (:

candlelight svc with xin & jeremy.
it was good and His presence was really really tangible.
we are all people of great value, vision and compassion! (:

meeting up with praba was not bad. HAHA. (:
love came along too.
had a good laugh at whatever he told us, although at a point both of them felt very awkward by the things that i asked. HAHA

meeting up with james, hui & sig for lunch and an adventurous day.
cc couldnt make it though.
had lunch at out of the pan/ smth like that
the dessert looks fab!

agree?? (:
then we went to the Arts House for this exhibition - YOLO, make it count.
it means You Only Live Once, make it count.
there, sig & hui embarrass me! ):
but it's alright, i forgive them! hahaha.
then we walked to suntec's tcc, sat down and talk till it's time to meet stephie & wee.

went to coffee club at marina with stephie & wee,
had dinner, talked, went to do last min xmas shopping, went over to esplanade to take pics but my camera sucks! ):
then went to 7atenine for drinks.
love was very sweet to come pick stephie & me up.
wee was chauffeured home by her love! (:

okay, this is the best pic i can find, though i look hideous!

on christmas eve, after dental, love brought me to SNOW CITY! (:
it was VERY cold! but both of us had fun! though we were quite disappointed at the sand look alike snow and the space of everything.
my silly love thought that it would be snowing fake snow inside! hahahahaha!
i hearts you love! (:
then after that went to the rest. to get food then hurried back to love's place for the xmas party!

on christmas day, went to james' church with hui & love.
after that went to causeway point, had macs then watched bolt.

on boxing day, had a xmas gathering with PRF.
it was great to meet up with them again.
though we went to settlers, we spent most of our time eating and talking than playing, heh.
it's was quite sad that liyi couldnt make it.

the reindeer hairband to us from jaixin.
LIYI, i'm holding yours! (:

everybody's gift to everybody.
actually the ones that i'm holding is liyi's ones cause the photo frame is from me to them! hahaha.

okay, i'm done!
i hope it's not too lengthy.
enjoy the last days of 2008.
and look forward to 2009! wee~ ((:

1:50 PM.
" Thursday, December 18, 2008

with regards to the prev. post, i'm alright alr everybody out there who worried about me.
thanks for the concern and i'll fill you all in when we meet! (:

just went to register courses.
next sem could choose btw 4 eng electives. but they only offered 2 this sem.
and everybody (as expected) chose analysing text.
when i went in to register the course, they rejected me cos the CLASS IS FULL. )):
sadness to the max.
so i went to read the summary for the only elective left.
read it very seriously (cos i never thought of taking that elective) and realised that it's something that i'd actually prefer more than analysing text.
even though it means more memory work (analysing text is open-book). but i guess it'd be more fun taking something that is different. (:

i do have an optimistic mind today, dont i? heh.
language and literacy, here i come! ((:

i can feel the festive season coming alr! ((:
so many many meet-ups! (:

karaoke-ing with love & love's friends.

christmas gathering with xin & gene

christmas service with xin and maybe jeremy
most prob dinner with praba

next tuesday:
christmas gathering with uni loves (lunch)
christmas gathering with wee & stephie (dinner)

next wednesday:
christmas service with hui & james

next thursday:
christmas service with james & hui (maybe)
christmas with love

next friday:
christmas gathering with PRF (hopefully xin can come!)

alrights, i'm gg to continue packing my messy messy room alr.
till then. (:

6:04 PM.
" Sunday, December 7, 2008


不知道该开心或伤心的原因是为了什么,只是突然好想到一个没人认识我的地方去, 过一个平凡又单纯的日子。




christmas 快到了,但我就是开心不起来。。。


a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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