<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

8:51 PM.
" Sunday, January 25, 2009


it's been a while since i last blogged but all's well.
just very busy with schoolwork and READINGS till i hardly have time for my loved ones and friends. my bad! i'll try to spend more time with everyone alrights?

just came back from reunion dinner with the family at chinatown.
at first i thought we wont have reunion dinner this year cos of the 'king' (newly coined name which so suits him.heh)
but thank God everything went very well and we had a good reunion dinner at eight treasure vegetarian restaurant. surprisingly, the food there tasted so 'real' and i told daddy that if he could make some of those colorful dishes instead of all browns & greens then i wont mind turing into a vegan!

i love having meals together with the family, even though not with the bigger family, but i'm just as contended. (:

went to chinatown to walk a bit but didnt really enjoy the trip cos it was drizzling so we hurried our way through, bought our stuff then went off le.

came home and received a call from my 5th uncle telling us to go over to 1st uncle's place for meet-up. double yayness. if you know how my maternal family is like then you would know why i'm so hyped up when i received the call from them. (:

i LOVE chinese new year! (:
but poor love, have to be at home and finish up schoolwork.
it's like one of us is in msia during the cny while the other's still in town.
and love said that i'm the one who's in m'sia. hahahah.
i adore my lovely chuk muk and do await for the thing that i bought for you! ((:

wishing all a happy, prosperous and blessed chinese new year.
may all the money come rolling in!
HUAT AR! ((:

3:23 PM.
" Sunday, January 4, 2009


new year was spent over at love's place, playing with the kids.
they were VERY adorable! hahah. ((:

so anyways, it's been a few years since the new year has started alr.
and i'm turning 21 this year.
i suddenly feel so old! ):

school's starting tml and i'm done moaning over my timetable.
moving back to hall = lesser time at home = HOMESICK.
but oh wells, just for another sem.

have made my resolutions already.
and am very determined to fulfill them by the end of this year! (:

start the year right with God and this year will end RIGHT. (:

anyways, a number of people to give thanks to for the past year.
they made my life whole and sane! (:
thank God for them! (:

the family
the past year, we've spent quality time together.
and not only that, we've started to talk to one another about stuff.
maybe cos they feel that i'm old enough to understand! haha.
to more quality time spent in year 2009! (:

well, it was amazing to meet you.
the past nine months in the past year was well-spent.
and i never thought that i would be able to feel so loved, happy and glad that there is an additional someone for me to turn to and to talk about things.
even though we have had some downs but all is well. (:
to more love for each other in year 2009! (:

PRF (limjiaxin, quekpeiling, soosuxian, tayeileen & chengliyi)
although all of us are busy with our own stuff and are going through the different phases of our life, we never fail to try to meet up and catch up. and even though sometimes we may just sit down and stay quiet, we know that we can actually count on one another if ever something happen to anyone of us!
and yes quekpeiling, we will grow close and old together! haha.
to more meet-ups and gatherings in year 2009! (:

weewaniqivanessa & awyongcuiwenstephanieshannon
yay, the threesome! (:
though we may be at different stages of our lives now, doing different things, going after different aspirations, i thank God that they are always there and they always know what to say because they have known me for years!
and it's so hard to meet up with them and see them online and all, but we all know that deep down we care!
to the overseas trip in year 2009! (:

like what he has said, though we have kinda drifted apart from one another in the past year, we still make time for each other.
and i'm glad that both of us have found our love and are happy now.
and i'm glad that eveyrthing is going fine for him.
thanks for being you and knowing me and knowing how life can be so hard on the both of us!
to more rides in YOUR car and more meet ups in year 2009! (:

pangchauchoon, wangHANhui, seowzicaosigmund & jamesvinaykumarrai
the clique in school whom dont have any common course!
hahah. sometimes it's so hard to meet up in school and even harder during the holidays!
but we know that we'll always be there for each other.
and we always laugh the loudest and do all kinds of stupid things together!
i thank them for not judging me but jsut showing their concern.
and i LOVE my roomie with her sweet gestures! (:
to more stupid things and adventurous things in year 2009! (:

and last but not least,

the one who will always listen to my whinings, no matter what! (:
thanks for being there and lending your listening ear whenever i needed to whine.
and i do hope that the next sem your timetable will be more 'compatible' to mine so that we can meet for lunch! (:
he's always offering advices from an adult's point of view.
and sometimes i feel like he's like my daddy! haha.
to more advices and meet-ups in year 2009! (:

okay! i'm done before i disappear for a very long time/not.
2009 holds many hopes for me and i believe for everyone.
and i believe no matter how bleak the economy may seem, we will all be able to seek happines in the little things we do and in the experiences that we share in all our relationships with people around.

to a blessed, fulfilling, enjoyable and merry NEW YEAR! (:

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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