<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

10:56 AM.
" Friday, February 27, 2009

oh my!
recess week's coming to an end! ):
i feel like i haven't done much.
rushed my assignments and slacked a few days.

feel like a 'zai nu' (with .. on top of u)
cos i've been cooped up at home almost the whole week.
gonna step out of the house later but with apprehension.

i thank God that when that happened, i was still home, not out on my way to do proj yet.
if not, i bet i wont forgive myself so easily.
everything happened so sudden.
i was panicking but i thank God i was still rational.
mummy said if it was her, she wouldnt know what to do..

now that everything's over, i just pray that everything will go fine
especially when no one is at home.

i feel like giving up, on everything...
i'm amazed that i've come so far.
i dont know how i did it.
but i think it's from His strength.

"continue to strengthen me Lord,
and guide me through all these.
i pray..."

8:55 PM.
" Thursday, February 5, 2009

hy⋅poc⋅ri⋅sy –noun, plural -sies.
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.

sometimes i just feel that everyone of us is guilty of it - being hypocritical.
however, there may be 2 different types of hypocritical ppl.
one side is those who are hypocritical, realises it and try not to be it but unconsciously may fall into being hypocritical again.
the other side belongs to those who are hypocritical, do not realise it and continues to be it.
i do admit that there are times which i have been so hypocritical about things and people.
but i try my utmost best not to be as far as possible.

never judge a book by its cover.
cliche as it may seem, but how true it is.
time and time again one may question oneself WHY?
why do we always trust that everybody in this whole is nice?
always giving ppl the benefit of doubt?
always thinking that we should never do things unto others as we dont want to have bad karma?
always being so nice to others at the expense of our own welfare?
always putting others first before us?
but in the very end, we are at a loss, we are the disadvantaged ones, we reprimand ourselves for our stupidity and everything else.
we put the blame on ourselves.

sometimes, or rather frequently, i wished certain parts/phases of my life could return to a clean slate, to before where i could really open up my small eyes to look at this world, the people around, to cherish friends and the times we spent tgt.

i miss pj! )':
when i saw mr. kuek in sch on tues, i was so happy, so excited, but so sad at the same time cos nobody could relate to my happiness and excitement.
i rmb what our j1 MT teacher said: "your jc friends/mates will be the bestest friends/mates that you'd have ever known."
how true! [not that i dont miss sec sch life with wee, steph & the guys, i still do! (:]

i wanna go home! )):
wanna hide within the 4 walls of my home with my family around me.

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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