<body> .thewholeworldstopstolisten. <body> <body>

10:05 AM.
" Tuesday, April 28, 2009


finally! it's over. ((:
i seriously wondered how i survived the past three sems cos this sem seem so heavy, so draining on the brian and everything.

yst was the killer paper. the first paper that i dread throughout the past few sems that i've undergone.
the paper was ... i manipulated it my way and wrote things my way (from the text though) so i've done my best and i guess i can only leave the rest up to Him.
hopefully the lecturer is in a good mood when she sees my paper and can understand my handwriting. it's so scary, so unpredicatable.
when i first started the paper, i couldnt rmb what i wanted to write, and i thought "am i havign a mental block? oh God please dont let me have a mental block cos i'm only at my first qns, and it's not even an essay qns."
yup, thats how paranoid i felt. and worst still, i even dreamt about my tutor scolding me when it's not even my presentation... )):

that aside, i'm gg to have my fruitful 3 months hols! ((:
i was thinking if i should take up a job. but then again, i should spend more time with love bef he starts sch and i can just take up relief classes for tutition to earn more money!
that would be nice cos then i'm not really very 'tied down' and all. ((:

and i'll have more time to spend with my loved ones and friends!
so many people to meet and so many things to do! i cant wait! (:

oh man, so many things and ppl to meet up with! (: i hope i can accomplish everything! (:

alrights, i think that's all from me now. it seems like a rather lengthy post. anw, i was thinking of doing something to my hair! should i perm it? or cut it short?

10:35 PM.
" Sunday, April 5, 2009


okay, i'm actually supposed to be blogging abt anni and all.
but i dont have the necessary things to blog about it *hint hint*

anyways, this year's super tiring.
cos everyone around is 21!
and i feel mean not attending their parties.

went to rebel yst till 5 plus in the morn.
towards the night/morning then it got better, cos i was quite pissed by a bunch of SLOW GUYS!
and i thought only girls would do that! :|

so anyways, i'm off for the semesteral mugging season le.
work hard flor!
22 more days to freedom! (:
unlike someone (my bobonut) who has 12 more days to freedom! tsk!

alrights, toodles ppl. (:

a bona fide smile

florrr! (:
child of God
offically 19 (:


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